Saturday 1 December 2012


 RANACORA- the running man

Ranacora is one of the names of Lord Krsna. Ranacora means “the one who leaves the battle field without fighting”. Why is then lord name with such abominable name then? There happens to be a story behind it as told in tenth canto of “srimad bhagvatam”.

It so happened, that there was king Jarasandha who beard enmity towards Lord Krsna. He declared war against the Lord. He was defeated seventeen times by Lord Krsna, each time merciful Lord forgiving his detestable deeds and each time the foolish king gearing up again with increase power and rage declared combat against the Lord.

Eighteenth time when the Lord and king faced each other in the battlefield, that suddenly Lord left the battle field without a fight. The king thought that he scared away the Lord krsna. Why did the Lord left showing the back in the battlefield when he had potential to kill all the demons of the world with just blink of the eye?

It was the letter of Srimati Rukmani Devi, which made the Lord to leave the battlefield. Rukmani devi was forced to get married to king Sisupal by her brother, although she has lost her heart to Lord Krsna and harbored the wish to have him as her husband. As her wedding day neared, she became anxious and wrote a letter to the Lord pouring her heart to him. After knowing the condition of Srimati Rukmani Devi, the lord didn’t waste another moment and immediately abandoned the battlefield and rush to rescue of love of his life.

Lord Krsna made his priority very clear, as for love, he even accepted to be called Ranacore.


The story starts two years back, when a promising young lad in his final year of school suddenly felt a need to have a girlfriend. He thought since it was the last year of the school, a small fling with any girl won’t be harmful at all, as the subsequent year even he doesn’t know in which engineering college he is going to land, may be out of his home town. So according to his strategy, no harm would be fall on him.

With the game plan he jumped in the fling market and after a small research work zeroed on the seemingly harmless, innocent and but very beautiful girl {in boyish language the girl was total “pataka”}.

Boy was handsome, charming and with biceps, triceps and abs, therefore had no difficulty completing his mission.

First two months were like as if he have been transported to seventh heaven, the breeze was pleasant and cool {even in month of scorching May and June}, the tress around were more green and flowers seemed to have blossomed everywhere {even though everything have shriveled due to heat} and nightingales seemed to be singing for him {though every day in the newspaper it stated that the noise pollution was making a new decibels record}.

The next two months were also good. When you get used to happiness, it starts to lose its meaning. The class bunks, hanging out in the malls, first day first show movies, whole night phone talks, all seemed to become common hence were losing their mojo of excitement plus hampering the studies, health and ambition of the promising young lad. But still the fling went fine.

The major trouble started from the subsequent two months when the boy started to feel the pressure of his studies and how much he had sagged back. He did some soul searching and with determination started with a new study plan to win the race. This new study plan required his full concentration and attention, so more time in library, less bunk, more coaching classes, minimal hangouts, late night studies and proper night sleep and a switched off mobile phone whole night.

This made the girl insecure. She started accusing of adultery. He tried to explain her, but the beautiful face was not ready to hear or understand anything. All hell broke loose, when she created a scene in front of his peers in school library. He was just talking to a girl from his class regarding his studies. But that proximity didn’t go well with her girl and she started wining, accusing and crying on top of her voice.

 He tried to explain her, but all his words went down the deaf ears. It was too embarrassing for him that for next week he couldn’t make himself to attend the school. When he came back after a week, the first thing he saw entering the school was smiling face of his girl. It increased his misery many folds and aired the dormant rage monster in him.

The last straw to her relationship came when the girl gave him the do and don’t list which included hundreds of rules for him. That was it, with the seemingly harmless beautiful face; the boy thought and finally broke up with her.

Boy thought that now his all troubles are over and he should concentrate in his studies. Once over is always over was his philosophy, but it proved drastically wrong. The girl started to stalk him. Where ever he went she followed him as the shadow.

She even came to her home, talked to his mother, father and sister, even the neighbors pouring out her plight that she suffered because of that boy. She didn’t left any stone unturned defaming the boy at his neighborhood, coaching classes, in his peers, even the distant acquaintances. It went very ugly. {I have been asked to omit the details of the event by the boy, so feel free to run the horses of your imagination, what would have been misery of the boy}

Bereft of the entire social circle, left alone in this world and cursing the day he decided for a fling, he made another crucial resolution and made sure it didn’t turn out to be a blunder.

He studied very hard and ultimately scored a good in his boards as well as was able to crack all the entrance exams he applied for. He got admission in a good college in his hometown, but instead he chose the college far far away from his hometown. He took admission in Bangalore to get as far away from his monstrous ex- girlfriend. He did it all as a covert operation as no one came to know till he left the city.

He ran away from his girlfriend, away from his shadow, where she could never reach him. And for past one year since his admission he has not even once headed home for vacation. His parents plead him to come back for few days but he is very firm not to come back. I don’t know for how long he won’t come back. He has become a RANACORE.


Intelligent – broad forehead

Executive qualities – hairy head, convex nose, broad nasal ridge

Amative and licentious – small eyes, remarkable distance between the inner and outer angles of eyes, full and moist and protruding center of upper lip

Firm and dominant – broad chin and angular jaw

Lack of modesty – small distance between nasal septum and the center of upper lip

Secretive – {as he successfully hatched the plan to be ranacore} – small eyes, thin upper lip

Self will - muscle filling between the two eyebrows


Girlfriends like these, make their boys run away so very very fast,
These boys will, one day bring home medals, competing Olympics race tasks.

1 comment:

  1. Girlfriends like these, make their boys run away so very very fast,
    These boys will, one day bring home medals, competing Olympics race tasks.

    you are a true idol hahahaha....
    seariously yaar
