Wednesday 19 September 2012

Cut, Open And Suture

First thing that catches your eyes on viewing any random stranger passing by you on the road, in mall, bus or metro or anywhere is his or her FACE. Variety of different faces, none repeating, even delineation could be made in identical twins {biologically termed as mono-zygotic twins}.

Every face have its own signature formation, something prominent which transpires to the onlooker the feel of either pleasant aroma or repellent effluvia. and asked to reason about it, the explanation comes as circle around the aura, the gut feeling, the hunch or the chemistry, etc etc, nothing specific, nothing logically drawn or marked.

But going beyond these words of uncertainty, sailing with the science of logic, every line, every tangent, every curve, every indentation have its own tale to tell. they are like god's own designs, his personal hieroglyphics revealing man's nature to it's earnest perfect clarity, nothing being concealed, nothing being eluded by any sect of mannerism, colored brushes of make up or any contrary thespian's expressions. every thing crystal clear to the one who earnestly seek to decipher these facial hieroglyphics.

It's like reading a script written personally by god in his own handwriting, revealing the occult about human phrenology {science of reading faces}. Reading faces is like performing a neat surgery, modus oprendi being CUT, OPEN and SUTURE.

To CUT and dissect each and every anatomical landmark.
Neatly OPEN it to the finest optimal point.
Ultimately SUTURE the whole thing together.

Viola! you are just the perfect surgeon personified phrenologist. Just remember - CUT OPEN and SUTURE.

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