Monday 26 November 2012


                                  “FOOL BODY MASSAGE”

In India, the language which is more local than any other native language of the country happens to be English. We consider it to be the heritage of our ancestors who stole it from the British people during their unauthorized stay in our country.

We take all liberty to mutate it to our own will and Indianised it to any extent, maybe adding it a Punjabi touch by addition, like one of my neighbour describe the climate of Singapore, when she so delightfully say, “the weatheraan {Punjabi English of weather}over there is ji {Punjabi addition to the English sentence}too good.”

Or even altering the spelling, guess what, the surprisingly, even how much erroneous the formation of word be or the sentence formation, we Indians are still hard wired to read it without ant faintest difficulty.

If you still don’t believe me check this out. The advertisement put on the wall of the gym near my house.

What he actually meant was a FULL body massage, but what he ends up is quite evident from above pic.


The person who got the advertisement painted on the wall, whom I have never ever seen, trying to guess out the curves and indentations on his face through the information about his personality being deciphered from above picture. Creating a mental image of this man, I could be wrong but mostly I am right. But in this case there is no check.

Overconfidence – {so much that he didn’t bother to recheck what he was putting on display} – broad and protruding chin

Blindly optimistic – {whatever he puts and where ever he does, he is going to cash it on} – high arched eyebrows, protruding ears, big eyes

Daydreamer – moist and full upper and lower lips, hairy head, big eyes, small forehead

Firm and highly obstinate – broad chin

Rustic but pretending to be an aristocrat – dimpled chin or dimpled cheeks or both

Lazy – {incomplete formation of words along with very poor presentation, apart from the spelling blunder} – curved and chubby cheeks or especially the lower half of cheeks


We Indians are the most “JUGARU” {well, I can’t find a proper English word to translate it, but still a “jugaru” word would be malleable} people of the whole world and guess what, we are proud of it.{NO PUNS INTENDED}

You see whatever we do, at the end what it matters for an Indian in any corner of the world is that the aroma of Indian soil should be well evident from it {mitti kee khushbu aane chahiye} and that’s why we try to indianise each and every thing coming our way.

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