Wednesday 24 October 2012


                    THE MARK OF VISHNU

A true vaisnava {devote of lord Vishnu} every morning after having the bath smear his body with paste of sandalwood. There are thirteen different places on body where the mark of lord Vishnu identical to English letter “V” is applied as the obeisance to the lord and with each smearing, the names of lord varied avatars are chanted in the form of mantras {holy hymns}.
Following is the Tilak mantra. 

Part of the body                                  The mantra

1 Forehead                                     Om Keshavay namha
                                                    {Obeisance to lord keshava}

2 Above umbilicus                        Om Narayana namha
                                                    {Obeisance to lord narayan}

3 Chest bone                                 Om Madhava namha
                                                    {Obeisance to lord madhav}

4 Throat                                        Om Govinda namha
                                                    {Obeisance to lord govind}

5 Right of umbilicus                     Om Vishnu namha
                                                    {Obeisance to lord Vishnu} 

6 Right arm                                  Om Madhusuda namha
                                                    {Obeisance to lord
                                                                             madhusudan }

7 Right shoulder                              Om trivikramay namha
                                                    {Obeisance to lord

8 Left of umbilicus                        Om Vamanay namha
                                                    {Obeisance to lord vaman}

9 Left arm                                      Om Shridhar namha
                                                    {Obeisance to lord shridhar}

10 Left shoulder                        Om Hrishekeshay namha 
                                                    {Obeisance to lord

11 Below neck                              Om Padnabhay namha
                                                    {Obeisance to lord

12 Waist                                        Om Damodar namha
                                                    {Obeisance to lord damodar}

13 Occipital area                         Om Vasudev namha
                                                    {Obeisance to lord                      

This is the regular procedure for a Vaisnava, wake, bath and smear, done without fail every day. These smears are temporary as sometimes they get washed away or wiped away. What if these marks were waterproof and wipe proof, let say permanent, would that person be the chosen one?


A fourteen year boy, dark complexion, oval face, moderately build suffers from frequent attack of asthma. There is very typical thing about his bouts of asthma attacks as they are his emotion controlled. Anything or anyone pisses him off, he gets one of them, any major decision making time, and the anxiety triggers one of worse attack or any punishment for his misdeed also incites one of them.
Moreover he is an ingenues thespian who gives an Oscar competing performance of his sickness that until and unless the stethoscope is put on his chest to check his breath sounds you can’t distinguish between the genuine and the folly symptoms. He is such a great sympathy seeker.
 And to complement it remarkably he is naturally gifted with “The mark of Vishnu” on his forehead. Two prominent veins terminating at a single point on forehead forming a “V”. Born in the family of orthodox vaisnava, he is considered the blessed one, hence have advantage over other siblings in the family. He is never reprimanded for his misdeeds and his all valid or invalid demands are satisfied with utmost perfection considering it to be the word of god.
With all these feathers in his cap he is the accomplished Bluff Master.


Our bluff master has the anomaly which we call medically Cavernous Haemangioma. It is developmental malformation of blood vessels, usually present since birth. They become more and more prominent with passing years. It’s bluish in color as the content is the venous blood. So actually according to books of medicine the so called mark of Vishnu on the forehead of the boy is developmental defect and have no hidden meaning to it 


·       Broad forehead – memory of events
·       Spare hairs in eyebrows – lack of executive qualities
·       Small eyes and outer corner of eyes having upward deviation – slyness and conceit
·       Concave nose – lack of executive quality and weak decision making power
·       Pinched nose at the tip – lack of sublime and ideal presentation of behavior
·       Oval face {ample of muscle supply} – flexible to situation and can flawlessly enact varied colors of emotion on his face
·       Receding chin – poor decision making trait
·       Small mouth – greed, rapacious
·       Double chin {dewlap under the chin} – greed
·       Thick neck – avarice, greed
·       Dark complexion – more the color of the skin, more is the passion towards the dominating trait, in this case it is greed


The undue advantage he gets on the pretext of the mark of Vishnu are stated as following –
·       He is never reprimanded for any of his misdeed, but instead his siblings bear the wrath of his share.
·       He sticks to none of his decision and keeps changing them. In past one year he have shunted into different hobby programmes irrespective of the fact that the whole fees of the programme being paid in advance by his parents. Sometimes he wants to learn karate, sometimes tycondo, or music or drawing and other time he is satisfied with dancing. He always cites imprudent reason for his refusal. He displays them so perfectly on the backdrop of his mark that he is never ever refused.
·       He never completes his homework worse even leaves his examination sheet unanswered.
·       He broke his LED television with his power blade.
·       Starts the brawl and then skips out of it efficiently leaving other fighting, he actually enjoys it.
·       And the list goes on and on.......


A true vaisnava is the eternal servitor of the lord Vishnu, demanding nothing in return. His happiness lies in just serving his master and just to distinguish himself from others he smear his body with his master trademark. It’s not the mark in the material sense but the mark transcendentally personified that represent the basic feel or “Bhava” as it is explained in the tenth canto of "Bhagvatam". It is never the license for imprudent and unreasonable acts which bear the potential to doom whole mankind into bigotry and unwanted orthodoxy taking us further away from our true master, total contrary to its basic purpose.


No one is stamped good or bad at time of birth,                         upbringing and morals make them choose their berth.

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