Saturday 29 September 2012


                    Dr. Red
Third June this year we had a medical conference in one of the noted hospital of Delhi. A big hall, dim lights, two giant windows and one entrance was our venue.
Our conferences have one regular doctor taking over the proceedings and another surprise doctor as orator. Our conference stared at the regular time with our regular speaker on the spot but the surprise package was still missing.
Couple of minutes later, I saw a man, 5’9” or 5’10”, in pink shirt, well creased black pants tucked neatly around the waist by shiny black belt, sport shoes { nice, I said in my mind} walked down the aisle.
First glance of the man in the dim lit room revealed prominent boyish charms, big broad smile exposing all the molar group of denture. Instant reaction in my mind, another late audience but to my utter disbelief had no note book or pen, totally in contrast to other brethren who were busy jotting down the key words of the proceedings.
Maybe the young man had no rendezvous for the bright Sunday morning and was here to grace us all with his presence {pun intended}. I bet myself this charming, broad smile man {seeing him, for the first time I understand the adage of my childhood greeting cards “have a big smile, as big as river Nile”  literal meaning.} would be the first one to leave the dim lit room in middle of the gala.
As this thinking process was going on in my mind, the man in the pink shirt went beyond my expectation and walked straight to the stage and joined our regular doctor.
My jaw dropped, this was my time to expose my incisors and canine group of my denture. 

His boyish charms and his care free attitude outrageously over shadowed his serious America returned, MD in emergency medicine looks. Our regular speaker is a very well known doctor, with myriad experience and a very fine eloquent. But this young doctor with baffling boyish charms was at par with him. His precision about the topic attracted the attention of all present there. I, personally really liked listening to him as he educated us about “Marfan syndrome”.

·        Receding hairline- intelligence
·        Broad forehead - good memory
·        Big almond shaped eyes and very expressive while he spoke – eloquent
·        Properly developed ethmoid bone {bone connecting root of the nose and the inner terminus of eyebrows} and excellent filling of muscles there along with well formed superciliry ridges  – accurate judgment in size, form, length, locality and weight faculties of human nature {hence would be fast to detect any abnormality, implying good diagnostic skills}
·        Bright eyes – honesty and zeal to enjoy life and work
·        Laughter lines at outer terminus of eyes – good sense of humor
·        Muscle fillings at the root of nose- self will
·        Broad muscular nose – leadership and executive properties
·        Broad, properly arched ale nasi {nostrils} – ample space to inhale good amount of oxygen – constructive and ingenious faculty
·        Tip of nose broad and proper curvature at its diameter-  sublimity and ideality { optimistic, opportunist, never ever give up type personality}
·        Oval face with well formed upper and lower cheek – friendly {upper cheek} and marked Epicurean-ism {lower cheek}
·        Full and scarlet color upper and lower lip – eloquent and confidence, probably a good singer {not sure about it}
·        Full and properly cover lower lip – empathy towards other – property of good doctor
·        Dimpled chin – aristocrat – love of brands and beauty {symptom check – wore a pair of rebook shoes and carried pink colored shirt, {mind you, wearing pink is very bold for any man as this is the color of girls domain} very perfectly, it suited him well and he looked like the Raymond’s man endorsing thespian.}
{SECRET – There is the reason why no sporting men teams ever and never have pink jersey, because there are only two types of men that can wear this girly color, one, who have very close experience with this color throughout his life, like grown up seeing his sister adoring it and fancied wearing it on him and the second being our noble breed [like our protagonist], who are put on earth to be a vogue. Pink is not every men cup of tea.}
·        Broad smile freely exposing molar group – honesty in his dealings, eloquent, believe in sharing experience and have nothing to conceal
·        Small, round ears – love of music
·        White shiny teethes – hygienic and perfectionist.

The doctor in his early thirties {age in this case calculated by counting the degrees applied after his name} was total rock and roll. Optimism, confidence and zeal well evident on his face in that dim lit room and was total synchronous with the choice of positive vocabulary he used while conferencing, one of his pet words, I quote “WIN- WIN SITUATION”.

After the conference got over, we all deserted that dim lit room and contracted our dilated pupil adapting them to broad sunlight and walked towards the compound in front of cafeteria where refreshment was being serve. As I stood there, picking up my samosa, our win- win doctor stood nearby conversing with other doctors from the audience probably clearing their doubts. I took another glance at him in broad sunlight, but to my utter disbelief, I could not believe what I saw. My pupils dilated, my eyebrows raised sky high and second time that morning my jaw dropped exposing my incisors and canines. Worst, I lost the co-ordination of the plate in my hand and little sauce from it stained red color on my snow- white top {damn it!}. But after all this, still,

His left half of the face in its full length and breadth had a red scald, akin to the recent stains of sauce on my white top. Quite prominent! Certainly not a birth mark, I guess, probably a chemical or radiation burn, I don’t know and I definitely didn’t seek the cause for it, but it was there in its full blown ardor on his half facial anatomy. I missed it in that dim lit room.
But whatever it is, our doctor was absolute hero of that morning. Scar or no scar, was never his defining factors of his character and neither was it any peril in his extra-ordinary personality, but in fact, I think that red mark appeared as his own personal style statement and therefore on second thought, I closed my mouth, put a smile on my lips and concluded calling the gentleman as DR. RED.

Sometimes, god’s creation of humble origin, surprises us with their magnanimous distinctions.

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