Sunday 18 November 2012


                    THE ELIGIBLE BACHELOR

In India there are four seasons of weddings, namely, spring weddings, summer weddings, autumn weddings and winter weddings, maximum happening in November and December. As soon as the breeze starts to turn moist and cold, people start to gear up to get invited for one or other marriages.

“I feel it in my fingers; I feel it in my toes,
Wedding season is all around me and the feelings grows”

But before all the wedding bells ringing there is one very important thing to be done is to find an eligible match, inclusive of an eligible bachelor and an eligible spinster.

In this journal we will discuss about an eligible bachelor.
it's so difficult to find the eligible bachelor as to spot the parrot in the pic.


A girl, approximately 5’3”, swarthy complexion in her early twenties came to me three years back for the treatment of PMS {Pre Menstrual syndrome}. The one thing that you can never fail to notice about the girl is her innocent giggles exposing her all incisors, a rabbit smile I would say because her teethes were slightly protruding out.

As I came to know more about her, she started to conceal more about her secrets to me. She has a boy friend which she delightfully called the love of her life.

The boy studied in the same school and same class as the girl since nursery, but it isn’t the childhood love affair, but the way past their school days. When the orkut and facebook culture came in India, there was a heed by people to contact their long lost friends of childhood and school, so did our protagonist found the boy on the one such social networking sight.

They talked and talked and talked and ultimately one day the decided to meet each other at a center stage mall in Noida. The one meeting led to another rendezvous, which led to another and many thereafter. The universal law of attraction behold them and finally the guy proposed the gal.

The gal thought for some time and since all her peers had boyfriends, she ultimately gave up to the desire to have one for herself and said yes to him. She referred him the love of her life and showed me his picture. Not of very exceptional look and with stature of 5’6”, he was just another guy you easily avoid walking on the street, but the girl differed, the boy was the whole package to sweep the girl from her grounds as she bashfully told me.

A year passed and she was through her bachelor’s degree and her brother just got engaged with an pending wedding in couple of months. Subsequently now it was her time to face the heat. Her folks started groom searching for her.

She couldn’t dare to tell her parents yet about the man in her life as he still had to settle himself. He was in final year of his engineering course and had a long way to go ahead before he could land himself in a descent package job, so that any man could think of giving away his daughter in marriage to him.

After lot of thinking she ultimately decided that the only way to buy more time from her parents is perusing her masters. She can ware off the marriage on pretext of completing her education.

Traits and phrenology of the girl

Broad forehead – sharp memory

Sparse growth of eyebrows – lack of leadership qualities

Eyebrows terminating near the outer canthus of the eyes – calculative

Muscle filling at the center of both eyes – self will

Dimple in the cheeks – aristocratic choices, want of luxuries in life

Broad nose – pneumativeness {increase supply of oxygen to lungs} – new ideas

Round jaw – wits and adaptability to the situation

Fuller cheeks – friendship and hospitality

Thin lips – lack of love, benevolence and kindness traits

Slight protruding upper jaw – prodigious jaw - avarice

Muscle filling at the side of the nose, running half the length of the nasal bone – greed, avarice

Big bright eyes – full of ideas

Voice quality sonorous and childish  - tendency to attract and to gain sympathy in hearts of people


Couple of years later the girl came to me with an invitation card for her December season wedding. She was not yet through with her master’s degree but she was getting married. I thought may be her boyfriend would have found himself a good package job and now they were ready to settle, but as soon as I read the name of the groom in an invitation card, I was shocked. Was it a printing mistake or the change of name was for real?

I looked up at her confused, but before I could ask her anything she deciphered my bewilderment and herself started to explain.

The so called love her life needed much more time to settle and her parents were not ready to wait that long for the girl. They found him the boy who was a well qualified CA and was really doing very well in his field of expertise and also have a BMW car and a big house. The girl confronted her parents about her boyfriend. The father of the girl was equipoise. He left her daughter to decide for herself to whom she should get married, an unemployed boyfriend whose future dangles in the ocean of uncertainty or the eligible CA boy chosen by her parents who even owns a BMW car.

She thought for two days and then chose the latter, the most eligible bachelor was the guy with a BMW.

Everyone have the right to take their own life decision and be ready for whatever consequences it may lead up to. So what, if the girl chose luxuries instead of love, well, maybe this was her trail to happiness. It’s always a personal call.

Quoting the lyrics of well known song, where the girl pour out her heart.

“Boy buy me diamond ring,
If you can’t,
Then please don’t ring.
Boy buy me a Mercedes car,
treat me like a super star.

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