Saturday 20 February 2016


Its February, love is at its height and the beauty around is souring the chart. What would be the best gift from cupid to all the love found couple, than, immortalizing their youth, so that they could cherish their moments lifelong.
Hence digging out from the soil of ancient times, I bring seven secrets from the Vedic scriptures that could make the ticking clock of age stop for you.
Our body is the temple where God resides and it becomes foremost to take care of it. And when we follow Vedic maneuvers to do the needful, the beauty, happiness and youth comes as the ice toppings to the cake.
So let’s see what the devout priest does in the temples of god and let us follow their league for our patent architecture.

The secret No. 1
If you desire strong jaw, that ring’s the bell. Make it a habit twice a day, to blow the couch shell.
When the priest wakes up God in the morning they blow in the couch shell and repeat it again while putting them to sleep.
Now, what does the couch shell have to do with the statistics of beauty vector?
The sound produced by blowing the couch shell resembles the most premiviel sound of the universe ,i.e., “Om” this sound is so powerful in itself that it rejuvenates, vitalize and energize every cell of buccal mucosa (the membrane inside the mouth) and muscles of the cheeks, increasing the blood flow over there. It not only helps to strengthen the mandible (the jaw bone) but also prevents wrinkling around the lips (which otherwise is a sensitive and vulnerable spot to reflect early signs of aging) in the long run.

Secret No. 2
Akalmrityur Harman, sarvadhivinasham;
Vishnudodakam pitva, purnajanam na vidyate.
“The one who takes away the fear of sudden death, the one which perish away every peril in the pat and the one that gives salvation from the vicious cycle of birth and death is the panchamrit that touches the lord’s lotus feet. “
   The abhishek procedure done to bath the lord Vishnu, not only provide us the holy charnamrit that cleanses our body inside but also lays the foundation stone of modern day facial technique.
So here are the steps of Vedic facial:
Step 1 The water/ gangajal/ holy water from river Ganges
First thing to do is splash the face with water to wash away the superficial dust.
Step 2 The cleansing by unboiled milk.
The milk has deep cell cleansing property and act as the natural astringent.
Step 3 The scrubbing recipe
Honey + jaggery + curd (mixed in equal proportion). The small granules of jaggery (khand/gur) act as the scrubber which removes away the dead cells. The friction produced b this scrubbing is cooled down by the curd and the stretching of the facial muscles is taken care by anti-wrinkling properties of honey.
Hence, the main ingredients of panchamrit become the quite essential part and parcel of your home manufactured facial kit.
Step 4 Facial pack – sandlewood
There is a chandan (sandlewood) utsav that starts from akshay tritiya for twenty one days. During this time the deities of lords are smeared with sandalwood paste to bet the summer’s heat. Hence same past, not only rejuvenates the cells of the face but also provide cooling effect after the scrubbing.
 Step 5. Moisturizer – the ‘ghee’
After washing away the face off the pack, the next step comes is restoring its moisture. A thin cooling of cow’s ghee (saturated fat) diluted with water serves the purpose to bind the moisture.
Hence completing our facial maneuver.

Secret no. 3
The hidden essential qualities of curcuma longa/ haldi
The common ingredient of Indian kitchen is the magic boom that can to an extent reverse the process of aging.
Haldi have anti TNfactor i.e. anti tissue nacrosies factor meaning that prevent the early death of decay of the cells of the body when taken internally like with food of with hot milk, it not only cures the old joints pain or sprains in the muscles but also nullified the bad effects of vigorous fevers like chickenguniya and dengue to name few.
And when used externally, it is the natural ‘fair and lovely’ product of the vanity box. It lightens the shades of the skin and reflects a fairer tone.

Secret No. 4
Jai mata di!!
The best embodiment of Indian beauty is reflected in the most powerful Goddess of
Hindu mythology, the Goddess Vaishno Devi. Her big eyes, fuller lips, sleek body curves and long black hair so refinely depicted in her portrait exemplifies Indian beauty at its best. And her holiness is so kind that, she shares the secret of divinity by giving us the prasadam in the form of coconut.
Internal consumption leads to good skin and sharp brain. And external application of coconut oil in scalp, prevent hair fall and make hair grow and glow.
So don’t be a nut, always be a coconut!

 Secret No. 5
The ancient astringent – Lemon
The ‘deo’, scents and ‘perfume’ industry blooms on the bad human odour. But these aromas have the ulterior effect of blackening the skin beneath. But are they necessary evil that you can’t do without?
Well Vedas answers this question too. Squeezing half lemon in the bathing bucket provides the unquestionable refreshing effect and reduces the body odour many folds even till the end of the day. The regular usage will eventually cut off your dependency on the aromatic products.
Secret no. 6
‘VALSALVA – the breathing exercise ‘
It’s the process of forcing the entire air of our lungs forcefully from the tightly closed mouth when the nose is also closed by pinching it with fingers.
Different valsalva techniques are as follows:
a)      ‘Bhramar Kriya’ – a kind of pranayam in which the nose and ears are closed with thumb and index finger respectively and air is pushed out of the mouth with reverberation of the sound “Om”.
b)      The second way of practicing the Valsalva is reading Hanuman Chalisa. Now the way of reading it is reading the entire chupai in one breath. For starters it would be difficult but start challenging yourself; maybe you could read four couplets in one whiff but duly keep increasing it till you read the entire thing in one go.
c)      The third method, the simple one that I invented for my patients is “Genie Valsalva”.
(Genie because a cult of my patients has named me Genie, I don’t know why but they call me wishes granting Genie.)
Well in this procedure, a plastic bottle is required. All you need to do is to hold the bottle tightly in you both hands and once you take a deep inspiration you need to press the bottle with both the hands hence denting it inwards. Hold your breath for a while (accordance to your physical strength) and then exhale the entire air of your lung into the bottle, forcefully through your mouth, the force of air should be good enough to push the indentation of the bottle outward which was previously dented inward by our hand. Try extending this one cycle of inhale exhale or indentation and outward force for fifteen seconds.
Our goal is to do this four cycles per minute for five times, twice a day. For the starters it would be difficult. But even with practice if you are able to reduce the breath cycle beneath twelve per minute you still serve the purpose.

Benefits of Vulsulva:
1)      Since it increases the blood flow to the head, it helps generating very acute concentration and hence makes it an essential part of daily exercise during cut throat competitive exams.
2)      It’s a kind of meditation and hence improving sleep pattern. It is a curative for insomniac patients.
3)      The process increases the blood flow to the pre-frontal cortex (a part of brain which is behind the forehead), the center which in returns generate lots of confidence and willpower to do things and abstain from the bad habits.
4)      Since, it also helps in the good night sleep turning into a good beauty sleep.
5)      It tightens facial muscles and hence a very good anti-wrinkling process.
So practice Genie maneuver, so so simple, no wrinkle, No pimple, only flash a dimple!

Secret No. 7
Stay happy!
In the words of HG Gaur Gopal Prabhuji, “pain is inevitable but suffering is optional.” Pain here represents distress in life. Irrespective of what we do, how we do or when we do, there is no immunization against distress, pain, grief. They may appear along the path of life. This is a universal truth. Since the pain vector is not in our hands, we can’t do much about it but at the same time we can control the perception of that pain vector and hence making our suffering reduce by many folds.
  Once we stop fretting about the life situation, we will slow the process of aging. As worrying empties away all the oxygen supply in the blood which otherwise would have been used to rejuvenate the cells of the body. Hence, I would like to quote Bhagvad Gita shloka 2:14 to support the above statement:
Mantr-sparsas tu kaunteya sistosna-sukha-dukha-dah
agamapayino nityas tams titiksasva bharata.
O sun of kunti, the non permanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons. They arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, and one must learn to tolerate then without bring disturbed.
So this brings me to the end of seven Vedic secrets. I hope you would practice it daily and may they work wonders for you.
I would like to end my talk with one another Shloka from the Upanishad.
“asto ma sadgamaye,
Tamso ma jyotirganye
Mrityur ma amritmgamaye
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti!”
Take me from lies to the eternal truth, from illusions of maya to the ultimate reality, from darkness to light and from fear of death to immortality. Let there be peace, peace and peace!

Hare Krishna

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