Friday 21 December 2012



The dictionary meaning of resilience is “springing back to a former shape or position after being bent, compressed”. Whenever there is a wind storm the big strong trees give up to strong bangs of wind on contrary the meek looking bushes which sways widely in the direction of the winds, stand strong next day when the fury get over. It’s there resilience that saves them whereas the stern trees break into pieces.


Once upon a time they were happily living family of five people husband, wife and their three sons. With perfect education and the good family values they grew up and joined their dad in the family business of furniture manufacture. There so common and perfectly gearing life suddenly gave to series of speed breaker and since then their lives changed forever.

It so happened the lady‘s mother became terminally ill. There was no one to take care of her as she had no son but only three daughters. The lady being the eldest of the daughters and lived nearby made frequent trips at her mother to look after her. One day the lady’s father poured his heart that they wished if they had a son who would take care of them and when they die, he would performed their last rituals. In the trembling voice they hinted the lady that they wished to adopt her eldest son.

The generous lady bowed to her parents demand and gave away her eldest son. Now there remain four people in her house and they learned to live that way happily.

Two years later when her youngest son who used to make frequent trips to different places to collect payments and order from clients, went missing. He didn’t return from one of such errands. The cops were able to trace his dead body on the railway tract cut into different pieces. His murderer is still at large and the family is clueless that why their young son was killed? All they know that they will never be able to see him.

Now there are only three people left in their house. The husband, wife and their only son live an altered life, smiles on their face but unforgettable grief in their heart. They don’t speak about that incidence and neither do they complain to god. Father and son duo remain busy in their business affair and the lady keeps her busy with household chores and bride hunting for her only son.


They were a happily living family of four, husband, wife and two sons. The eldest son of the family got married and that was the last time the family smiled.

The newly married started to have initial tensions in the first year of their marriage which grew wide and wide in subsequent years. Even the birth of their daughter couldn’t cement the gap between them. Frequent quarrels made the environment of the house hellish.

During one such fight the lady left home and went away to her mother’s house. This was common occurrence for the family. They thought that when her anger would cool off she would return, but they were wrong, though she returned for a while but it was too late as nothing was left till then.

The eldest son of the family couldn’t bear these frequent fights and ultimately decided to end his life by hanging himself to the ceiling fan. His corpse was recovered next day when he didn’t come out of his room in morning.

The wife took his daughter with her and year later got married to another man. The family of the man couldn’t bear the grief. Mother end up being a heart patient with blocked arteries and have frequent visits to the cardiologist. The younger son was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and it is getting worse day by day that he couldn’t get himself a descent job though being hotel management graduate, the father keep shuttling making both ends meet and bearing the expenses of the expensive  treatments.

Grief took the toll of the once happy family and pushed into the abyss of darkness where they see no way out.


Everyone’s life gets screwed at certain point of time so badly that there is just mere darkness. The call is our whether we become resilient and bounce back to live with whatever options we are left with. Or we go down deep into abyss of grief of never ending misery and finally shatter to pieces.


Long teeth

Generally upper lips overlaps the lower teeth, in these people there is less overlapping of upper lip, in certain cases they meet in between.


They say time is the best healer but that depends on you whether you want to get healed or not.

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