Thursday 13 December 2012


                            VANITY TO CHIVALRY

There was this small little mouse born in the royal family of mice. With all pampering and love he was brought up. He became very naughty and haughty and paid no heed to the any advice given by whosoever.

In this haughtiness, one day, all by himself, he entered the prohibited area of human kitchen. He was foolishly brave and thought to himself that he would create the legend that day, but instead fell into the bucket of cream.

This was totally unexpected and he had no training to combat it. He was drowning, drowning and drowning.....


Born in a very affluent Punjabi family, our protagonist was very famous among his peers since childhood. He was daring and always ready enjoy life to its full extent. If I have to describe in two words, I will use the Punjabi dilate to describe him, as “GABRU JAWAN”.

Irrespective of his family influential status he made his own stand in life. He became the captain of school sporting team, then played for national for same sports and ultimately land up in the main team. His future was bright and the pace at which he was proceeding there was no stopping at all.

With all the hard work, there was this fun loving side that he adored a lot. He was a party animal. Night outs and always surrounded by girls was his “THE CAROUSEL LIFE”.

But then came a sudden break to his roller coaster life and he started drowning in the abyss, just drowning, drowning and drowning.....


The man was diagnosed with caracoid tumor in the mediastinal {chest area} region, partially eroding his pulmonary drainage system. Caracoid have tendency to turn malignant, but luck for him it was diagnosed early on, but it drained him through and through.

He was transferred to America for the treatment. For eight months he went through the vigorous line of treatment from surgically incising the tumor to radiation therapy. The man didn’t give up. He didn’t drown instead buoyancy.

He was saved and the life gave him another chance. He came back to his homeland as the changed man.

......the little mouse was the hard nut to crack. He didn’t want to drown in that bucket of cream. He fought back and struggled so hard that he eventually churned whole cream into butter and crawled out victorious but changed. He understood that life is precious and not always people are lucky like him to be given another chance. He returned back to his family and in future overtook his father thrown and proved to be an excellent and responsible emperor of the mice kingdom.


{The people who fight back the up and downs of life like a true warrior have certain qualities which are very well marked on their face. Here bi list few}

Self will – muscle filling between the two eyes

Veneration – properly formed nasal bridge

Sublime and Ideal – well formed tip of nose along with properly curved circumferences

Executive demure – strong nasal bone

Bravery – muscle filling at the middle of the chin


He was a completely different person. He abandoned all his old habits and worked very hard to regain his physique. He returned to his team with the full vigor and immediately caught back his pace.

He was again the bang bang man of the team but this time it was not vanity but it was all humble, like a brave knight his chivalry outshine his vanity.

He learned the lesson of his life from the scars on his chest.


In the words of Khalil Gibran,

Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls, the most massive souls are smeared with scars”

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