Wednesday 26 December 2012


                           THE PERFECT THESPIAN

Maximum number of guys falls for those girls with baby like face and big eyes. They feel caring for them as their baby like face generates the fatherly love in them {and therefore it explains the nomenclature “baby” they use for their girls}.

 If you ask them about what is so good about their girls, this is what we hear, “oh! I can’t describe her doc, her smile is so beautiful, refreshing and so innocent” or “her eyes are so bright and big, I can see my whole world in it. And they believe each and every word I say with childlike innocence”.

But there is the deeper meaning in that innocence only smarter one can decipher it, but since when boys have become smarter in reading girls?

Answer is NEVER.


As the story goes that in a renowned school of Delhi, there was the group of five friends which included two boys, the one called the gentleman or Gen {named because if his descent and generous nature} and other GV {his name initials and totally contrary to the first one, a total playboy, who had hit on each and every girl of the school and even if have been refuse by each and every girl still his spirit remains sky high}. The three girls were PJ, HPV and KT {name initials}

This girl HPV had a very tragic history and was the most sensitive cord of the group. Though belonging to the very rich family of Punjabi Bagh, she lost her parents in an air crash when she was thirteen and her divorced aunt became the guardian to her and her four years younger brother and took care of the family business.

Well it was very sad thing that happened to her and this was the thing that made everyone soft towards her especially the Gen boy.

Till the tenth standard her favors were small and to everyone in the group were ready to help but when they reach eleventh standard and started to feel the heat of higher studies and they started to get irritated with the frequent favors asked by HPV. Finally the girl starts to hear refusal except from the Gen.

It took her no time to figure out that his only hope was now the Gen. Though Gen was not head over heels in love with the girl but he tried to fulfill all her whims and fancies. He was merely sticking to the definition of friend.

The boy arranged for her coaching classes, helped her with her assignments, and did her experiments, for hours taught her the concepts of physics on expense of his own studies and what not. His friend GV tried to explain him that what he is doing is not good but it went on deaf ears.

One time, when their coaching class was postponed, instead of going home he hang out with her since she was waiting for her chauffeur to come back with the car to take her back to home. Their coaching teacher found them fooling around and complained boy’s mother about it. That night at home he had the scolding of the life time but still the spell by those magical innocent eyes couldn’t break.

One day the whole group decided to bunk school and just have fun. They went to the mall, saw a morning show movie and then had their lunch in Mc Donald’s. While on the way to Mc Donald’s, HPV stopped in the way and started to stare at the teddy bear in the window. Gen saw him looking at it with very desire full eyes. And when they all sat to have lunch there, he excused himself and drained his half pocket money to buy it and gifted it. She was happy as it works every time for her. She knows when Gen saw him, and all she has to do is to look needful and without even uttering the word from her mouth her wish is fulfilled.

And it was same when they were coming out of the mall, she looked at the flowers at the florist and she was immediately gifted with the bunch of red roses. Gen drained most of his pocket money at whims and fancies of the girl and definitely didn’t want her as her girlfriend.


But as they say you can’t fool a person for long time and therefore Gen also had an eye-opener day when the result of their 11th standard was announced. Even though he was brilliant in studies he scored 56% only and the girl he tutored, who cried in front of him that she needed help with her subjects and presented the most pitiful face secured 86%.

He could have scored more if he would have not wasted time lecturing his friends over the phone and instead practiced over his weak subjects. But sometimes you learn the lesson hard way, like Gen.

He was angry and sad that he couldn’t stand erect on his parent’s expectations, but he thought in mind there always another chance and he will never lose it again.


Small eyes

Eyebrows seemed joining at center

Outer angle of eyes pointing upward

Curved head and the face ending in the sharp tapering chin

Dramatic jaw {oval jaw line}


The boy started to maintain distance from the girl. He didn’t break his friendship but limited his use for others. During his exams he switched off his mobile phone and utilized his free time in his weak subject, chemistry.

The girl on other hand seeing her only hope fainting away started to find new one. She limited her hang out with the old group and started to move in the circles of the topper of the class. Her magic even played on the teachers. She used her thespian qualities and in acted sickness during exams. Seeing her innocent face the teachers used to offer her seat near the door or the windows. When she opted door there was always an intelligent guy sitting near her who helped her answering the question paper or when she opted windows, she always had the chits to copy the answers.




  1. here is the story from mann oberio, his own experience with a perfect thespian.

    To Help others is d first thing v learn in our starting days but smtimes it just backfires at u.

    This incident happens to me after my 12th boards , my entrance xms were in row.
    It was my BBS entrance exam ( most reputed graduation course of DU) , atmosphere was tense and to add more to it d guy nxt to me was a class Duffer , he had no other business just to disturb me at regular intervals and asking favours. I ignored for smtime but felt pitty for him . Since it was objective exam i helped him in many Questions . After d exam I had a sweet feeling of helping someone, we even exchanged phone no. and said goodbye .
    Now it was day of result i checked it with deep breath but unfortunately could n't make it but then I entered d roll no. of same duffer guy with full surety he wont hv made it , it was jst a timepass but i was shocked, to see , he had made to d list. I refreshed d web page twice out of anxiety but d result was same..i ws unmoved for some time in that state of mind . I gave a call to him , congratulated him and finally asked him how he did this , he said " Iam from SC Quota".....
    I was burning from inside but i again congratulated him and decided not to repeat this in future......I learnt from my mistake how he made fool of me
