Sunday 30 December 2012


                                      TRUE  LIES

Whenever we are in any stressful circumstance, our body start to release neurotransmitters like nonepinephrine, which stimulate the hypothalamus in brain, which on other hand release the corticotrophin- releasing factor {CRF} which stimulate the pituitary gland and make it release the adrenocorticotropic hormones. These hormones act on adrenal glands {placed on the kidneys}. This gland finally pump in our body adrenaline which help us combat any dangerous situation; bring out the famous FIGHT –FLIGHT RESPONSE.

Apart from the heavy medical words, we know that we either fight or flight from the stressful circumstance and all thanks to our adrenal drive.


He seemed to be a very descent boy, sincere in his studies and among the rank holder in the class.  Fan of cartoon network and discovery channels, his only vice passion and therefore his whole day shuttle between his amusements and his studies.

This is how the story start that once upon a time, his school declared holidays for fifteen days mourning the death of their chairperson. Those days seemed as heaven for the boy. He got up late in the morning, have late breakfast and since his both parents were working enjoyed the independence to do his free will stuff like sticking to the television and playing games on his computers.

When his holidays were waning off, there came news of extension of holidays for four more days. The boy was very happy and parents were bewildered, that no school will mourn the death of their chairman on shutting down their doors and on expense of the studies of their pupils. But if it is so, than what can anyone do, thought his parents.

One day, among those days, the mother was not feeling well and decided to take leave from job. It was afternoon time and the boy was having his beauty nap and the mother was busy doing the piled up household chores.

Suddenly the telephone rang. Well it happen to be a normal phenomenon in people’s house but in this case the ring made the boy to jump up from his bed and rushed to pick up the telephone. But it was too late for him; his mother was already holding the receiver to her ears.

The boy started to sweat profusely and expression of fears painted on his face.

The caller was the boy’s friend mother and she asked about the health of his younger brother who according to him was seriously ill and was hospitalized and therefore forcing him to be absent from the school.

There was no such so called “death holidays” in the school and in fact the school chairperson was hale and healthy. The mother was shell shocked and couldn’t believe that her descent looking and sincere son could breech her trust so bad. The boy’s father was called immediately and both parents started to interrogate from him, about his unworthy act.

The boy had a tussle with his maths teacher over certain mathematical equations. The teacher scolded him bad for not paying attention. The things got worse or the boy imagined it worse that under the adrenaline drive, he decided to flee away from the situation and the best way is to lie. He lied perfectly and keeps his secret thoughts to himself and perfectly executed his covet operation until that fateful telephone ring.

His plan was to faint the memories by the passage of time.  But it totally crashed on his face.

He was scolded hard and his parents arranged the appointment with the principal. The matter was sorted out and the truce was declared with the maths teacher. The school councillor was assigned the duty to look over the case and the thorough counseling was done.

But no one in their wildest imagination would have imagined that the young lad held the potential to carry out such top secret plans and execute them with such thorough precision.


So here I demark clues to spots these harmless and unexpected liars.

Thin upper lip

Little protrusion of lower lip, seems as if it is overlapping the upper lip

Small eyes

Broad forehead tapering into sharp, thin chin

Dramatic jaw {jaw oval at the angle of mandible and then sharply curve at vicinity of the chin}


“Jonny! Jonny!”
“Yes, papa.”
“Eating sugar?”
“No papa.”
“Telling lie?”
“No papa.”
“Open your mouth.”
“HA!  HA!  HA!”

NOTE – be careful in believing your jonnies from now onwards.

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