Wednesday 25 June 2014


                                              (The ‘weak will’ series)

A century before noted story teller Charles dickens wrote a book “the great expectation” revolving around one’s desire and expectation in life. As the time passed and the pages started to turn yellow and giving the nostalgic winches, the words started to jumble their meaning and emerged in the novel avatar of desperation. Today’s century echo the sounds of the great desperation whether it is desperation for professional degree or job or marriage or panacea, everyone is desperate. But there are different ways, people of different strands of life deal with their despair. This great desperation series would reveal their despair for recovery from their ailment.
First in them I’ll pick weak will category.

He is 35 year old man whose wife is heavily pregnant, that too with a tag of post thirty high risked pregnancy. A year back due to his multinational professionalism of night shift, he had gastric problems which was categorize under GERD(gastro esophageal reflux disease) which means the stomach acid reverting back towards the mouth and while doing so, eroding the food pipe. Well, at that time it could have been cured by the help of correcting the blunders in his diet, life style and indisposition. But contrary to it, he preferred popping pills to comfort himself.
Forwarding the time zone three months later to his first diagnosis of GERD, there found a new link in his medical files as bloody hemorrhoids (bleeding piles). They scrapped the mucosa of his rectum and bothered him like hell during his act of defecation. He went on another regime of popping another set of multi color pills but it gave him only minor comfort for a while and later blossomed with new vigor. But still to check on the indisposition didn’t click his mind.
Again few months passed but instead of things getting settled it become worse. And this was the time the great desperation swept inside him. Anything and everything, anybody or everybody told him for the treatment, he did but with no relief on contrary, one encounter with one such random Bengali doctor, who endorsed his credits with expertise in rectal complaints, maltreated him and his condition shifted from worse case to worst case scenario. His whole excretory passage bloomed with nefarious scarlet ulcers throwing him to the pains of third degree.
The weak heart, gluttony trait man cried whole night and with the break of dawn and first sunshine swallowed the whole battle of phenyl in despair to end his miserable life.
God be thanked tones, as the phenyl these days is adulterated and with lame power to kill whatever they intend too. The man was saved. Presently he is psyche ward under the treatment of psychiatrist along with surgeon to treat his suicidal instincts and scarlet wounds embodying his ass respectively.

The word “hysteria” has been derived from the word hysteron, which means womb or uterus. Hence hysteria has been linked with women since the origin of this vocabulary.
A 55years old woman who was excessively or pathologically conscientious about her looks and appearance that she went into a heartfelt shock when after the attack of viral infection in her eyes suddenly had Bell’s palsy (The kind of paralysis that leads to dropping and shifting the muscles of the face to other side)
That day all the tectonic plates’ beneath her feet skipped and followed by her desperation of fast recovery which continued for months. Allopathic, homeopathy and Ayurveda she knocked the doors of every system of medicine available to mankind.
She was improving at her pace but the mirrors were cruel to her, constantly reminding her of her misery.
Though after two month of treatment she has regained her facial anatomy but constant drilling over one brooding thoughts had reconstructed her prudence and weakened her nerves to an extent that they have benumbed.
She has gone into fits of hysteria with migratory headaches. Once a public personality, she has locked herself in darkness of solitude.
She sleeps, weeps and eats, abandoning her household duties and relationship. She has become third grade hypo chondric making the life of people near her a live hell.
Presently she is under my treatment and recovering but even though after months of treatment she gets cured but the moot point is her low thresh hold self and the great desperation lead her to the most treacherous path of melancholy and self-loathing.

Pinched nose at the tip
Dropping outer commeasure eyes below the imaginary isometric (straight) line drawn between both eyes

It’s all in the power of mind, it’s on you whether to believe it or not.


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