Wednesday 2 July 2014


                                             (EUTHANASIA SERIES)

Euthanasia means mercy killing. The continents have been divided over this never ending debate of mercy killing for terminally ill people. When their ailment become incurable and their sufferings crosses extremes, they plead for death, they plead for no other breath and then the big question arises on the humanitarian ground, whether or not they deserve the peaceful death. But when mankind can’t hold any firm grounds and the matter just keep going on merry-go-rounds, it’s the desperation of the sufferer who finally noun the clown.

He was 53 years old when he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and it shocked everyone who heard it. The guy in his plenty years of existence on the planet had lived in and with nature with a signature Amish style in the Forest of Jim Corbett Park.
And after being diagnosed with city’s lavish disorder and being treated in city’s ravishing hospital, his misery increased many fold. Finally he got bored with this humdrum existence and frequent rendezvous with doctors that one fine morning he gave up all, running back to the pavilion in the greenery of the forest to find the ultimate solace.
He abandoned the whole lot of colored medicines, digital scans and the bed rest to the greenery of the dense jungle.
Whole life he has never smoked a cigar, have aside any hard drink, had not touch soft one, but still without such indulgence he didn’t expected such fall down in his bachelor life.
His brother and mother requested him to stay but one thing that didn’t rusted in his body was his obstinacy. His decision was the rocky line with no exception. He had remedied his condition with work alcoholic euthanasia.
And what was expected, happened in just matter of days. The fortnight later to the day he left the house, the son of nature got absorbed in nature, Ashes to ashes, earth to earth. Was it a desperation or prudence, the question still looms large?

 (Religious Ecastic)
Years back, in my intern year, my friend was dealing with a case of liver cirrhosis (liver damage, again irreversible pathological condition) of one of her acquaintance who happened to be of Jainism faith.
The lady was 65 years old and was diagnosed with Wilson tumor (excessive disposition of copper in body which mainly damages the liver) which has rotten her liver and as a result she had a screwed up digestion. Her day in and day out struggle was with swallowing the morsel of food but completely futile. All that went in one way in fraction of seconds was puked out with addition of gastric juices.
Even the senior most doctor of our hospital went in to see the patient at bed side, but the projectile vomiting had no full stop. The family of lady had taken opinion from all system of medicines authorized in India but the canvas was still colored with shades of grey.
She was a strong will lady, that once, at the death of her husband in her youth, she became the man of the house bringing up her two little kids. But now she had enough from life and she didn’t want to cry or be on her knees in front of verdict of providence and hence she turned tables on destiny and decided to adorn “santhara”. It is a religious fast in which the persons willfully give up his life, fasting till the very end. No grains and no water.
Her family tried to talk her out but even on death bed, her words were rock solid. It didn’t take death much time to take her soul away. Finally it was desperation that played the dice.
Both the above listed cases went into their choose euthanasia.

Remarkable horizontal length of upper lip demonstrates the strong self esteem trait.
Prominent parallel lines running from base of the nose to the center of the upper lip cutting it represent high moral trait.
Bright and big eyes show confidence.
Broad nose with well placed alae nasi indicate pneumatic nose hence finally to brain gives strong decision making power.


I can’t think of any flashy moral. In my freshman year I won first prize for speaking against the motion of euthanasia-mercy killing. But now bring in practice for six years and watching the naked reality of sufferings, my heart and my mind differ with their own proposition. Hence, it’s a never ending debate of ethics.

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