Thursday 5 June 2014

Break bone strategy series 2

    BREAK BONE STRATEGY (SERIES-2)              

In phrenology, the science of studying phizog is grossly divided into in 5 systems and based on them it is sieved into refined details. The following is the break up.
1.     The vegetative system- pertaining to fat people.
2.     The pneumatic system- pertaining to warrior type.
3.     The muscular system- pertaining to flexible type both mentally and physically.
4.     The bones and joint system- pertaining to orthodox people.
5.     The brain and nerve system- pertaining to intelligent and brainy people.

Any defect in these systems, affect the psyche of the person. It is totally based on Newton’s third law of action and reaction.

He was the youngest in the family after two sisters. Wondering in the streets and carrying out pranks was his daily business. One day his father died in the road accident. That day, at prime of his boyhood he suddenly converted into adult with tones of responsibility on his tender shoulder.
With studies he took care of his father’s shop at the corner of the street. As the year passed he not only converted the shop into big enterprises but also purchased a big house for his family.
He was 15, adorning the fatherly cloak he married away his eldest sister and when he was twenty, he fixed the marriage of the second one. All his life he has done to take responsibility and fulfill them. Though it have been fulfilling endeavor and gave him pride and peace at same time.
But like the seasons change, life also shunts to different colors. All the problems in his life were impregnated to next level as soon as he found the girl for himself and got married to her.

After his marriage, suddenly her mother felt lost hold over the household. Her insecurities along with the one seeded by his married sisters start to grow till one day it look an ugly face. Relationship between his mother and wife started to strain. First it was little wordy fight of each house between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. But later on it took a volcanic dimension where the both ladies became fire breathing dragons and it was man in the house, who faced the hell’s furry. These constant cat fights and these every day brawls made him so sick that he decided to separate the ladies.
But since he had the whole sole responsibility of his mother, he couldn’t depart her in old age and shift out of house but now on other side of the shore he could see his wife and innocent face of his daughter. But rather then things getting sorted out, the situation became a matrix of hues and cries. Finally his wife moved out of the house and for one whole year lived in her mother’s house with her kid in Mumbai. The man shunted between the two cities on festive season to be with his wife and kid. According to his acquaintances frequent travelling issues triggered the pain and complaint but in reality every tissue in the body went into degenerating mode because of the feeling of deserted in middle of nowhere.

It is genetic mutation, HLA B27 positive disorder which usually effect the lower back leading to it’s stiffness. In lay man language it leads to stiffness of the whole spinal column.  All the vertebra column (spine bones) join with each other, making it straight like a tree trunk and hence the person looses it’s flexibility as well as his mobility in bending, moving sideways. Therefore it’s Red flag arthritis. Once this process trigger it becomes medically impossible to treat it. Through medication can only help in pain suppressant and to decrease the pace of disease.
The bamboo spine disease was finally making inroads to his system.

Betrayal is sharper than sword and its wounds never heal.

Check out next week, many more examples in the series-3 of Break Bone 

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