Friday, 13 June 2014

Break bone strategy series -3

There are plenty cases to elicit the fact that I have pointed in last two blogs. The triggering cause can be very small that be missed in word jumble or it could be so heart wrenching that could change the course of destiny.
Cutting short refined details let me exemplify in next few examples. Just see for yourself the movement of needle on the radar.

A 38years old house wife was diagnosed with SLE (Systematic Lupus Erythromatous) whose presenting complaint involved polyarthralgia (pain in many joints). SLE is the auto immune disorder, mainly seen in women. It is genetic mutation disorder mainly present at middle age also marked with the presence of pigmentation (typical butterfly wings type pigmentation) along with involvement of multiple organs like liver, kidney and heart.
Triggered factor- Dominating and angry husband with very minute tolerance level.

A 43 years old house wife presented with Rheumatoid Arthritis with the affection involving her heart valve (mitral valve) also called Rheumatic heart diseases.
Triggered factor- Fifteen years back her daughter got burned and had stricture on hand and since then, even though after having accolade accomplishment under her name, she still broods over those scars and held her mother responsible for it. The meteoritic gap between them widen, so did the degeneration of her joints.

A 42years old NRI, married woman, running her business in New Zealand presented with polyarthralgia due to Sjorgen syndrome.
Again, it is a genetic disorder which is common in women. It have traits of symptoms that 8 the trademark of disease uveitis. (Inflammation of eyes).
Urethritis (inflammation of urethra).
Arthritis (joints involvement).

A 65 years old male presented with cervical spondylosies, severe pain in the neck, radiating to the head.
Triggered factor- after his son relocated to foreign country because of his work.

A 50 years old housewife presented with severe case of OA knees (Osteo Arthitic knee joints, in layman’s language it is also called reduced gap between the knee). She is a very conscientious and diligent lady, even though her knees pain like hell, still she does all household work.
Triggered factor- After her son turned maniac, and adult rouse.

A 4 year old boy complained of pain in knees. On examination it was revealed that he was suffering from ‘Knock Knee’ disorder where there is the disturbance in alignment of the knee joint.
Triggered factor- since there can’t be any viable cause of presentation revealed in the kid, mother and parental history was taken in the thoroughness which revealed that during whole time of pregnancy she lived in the mother’s house because of the discord with her in-laws. Lack of support feeling of her was transferred to her unborn kid and years later he presented with joint complaints.

A 60 year old woman presented with Osteo Arthritis.
Triggered factor- complaint dates back after her husband died of heart attack.

A 55 year old woman presented with OA knees.
Triggered factor- after her son got divorced.

A 22 year old woman presented with frequent pain in bilateral (both) ankle joint as unknowingly everyday she mis-stepped leading to the turning of foot at ankle joint. And one such misstep also had lead to the hairline fracture at right meta -carpel region (one of the foot bone).
Triggered factor- frequent break-up with her school time boy-friend.

A 39 year old man presented with the pain in right wrist joint along with the bony enlargement at the ulna bone. On colored digital x-ray revealed a giant cell tumor which had chances to be malignant (cancerous). The pain was so severe and so revelation in scanning caused such a hue and cry that he got it operated.
A piece of the bone was cut and on biopsy it was revealed that it was a space occupying benign growth (non-cancerous). Now his hanging bone is being the matter of concern.
Triggered factor- he was the owner of the furniture factory but suddenly all his employees left him and shunted to the other profession. His business went into shackles and this triggered the growth of ulnar bone.

CASE- 11
A 36 year old lady presented with the frequent fracture in ribs. Every month she had one or other rib breaking.
Rib fracture is difficult case to be treated, as the bone can’t be put in the cast for immobility and frequent use of respiratory muscle also delays the healing.

Triggered factor- she is the wife of eminent doctor of a very reputed hospital and the main problem with the women of the professional is that they lack of time from their husband. Their husbands are just earning machines with lack of emotional support and hence the whole responsibility of household and kids fell on her shoulder. And hence the feeling of lack of support arrived. 

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