Wednesday, 18 June 2014


Anger is the fire that burn off everything that comes its ways. Even the religious scriptures repeatedly speak about it over and over again. But today’s fast forwarding life at ten ‘X’ speed, people have zero tolerance and patience and have mutated in fire breathing dragons and of unknown reason of logic, it gives them quiet satiety too, irrespective of the fact what price they have to pay.

He has always been angry, always and always as his parents recall or his friends, his ex-girlfriends, his wife, his daughter and his boss. Everyone has suffered from his wrath and everyone have their sorry tale to tell.
As a kid, his parents had the frequent rendezvous with his teachers and principal as getting into brawl for him was like brushing teeth every day. As he grew up, superficial wounds and cuts became old fashioned, breaking bones and landing opponent straight into Intensive Care was pretty hot stuff for him. He had ten healed fractures in his name and two time juvenile bars were black feather to his dark crown.
Since he was an ‘A+’ student with a brilliant brain he always got through the middle lane.
He grew up as an angry young man and was designated with the title of ‘DON’ for his delinquencies in his graduation years.
It was his luck that outshined his fury that he stuck a gold mine job for himself followed by the most beautiful maiden of the country as his wife. But some people do not appreciate good things; even though they are staring at their face and our protagonist belong to this clan.
Marital discord and domestic violence was new added flavor of the season of his life. The years started passing and in that moving time god gifted him a sweet daughter. But as the dog’s tail can never be straightened, so does this man’s nature can’t be changed.
As his martial life was at rock bottom so far his professionalism was swaying in uncertainty. But again his brilliant grey matter, squeezing out profits for his firm made him save his ass from being kicking out.
But his luck suddenly took a U-turn as he entered his forties. His wife started talking about divorcing him and his daughter had restricting orders against him. Even though he screamed his lungs off to be changed man. Seriously he was trying hard to change now. He joined the Buddhism chanting circle and as from his new found knowledge, the broken marriage is a sin in front of god and therefore he was trying to save his.
But now it was too late. He had imprinted in everybody’s heart a Hitler and no honey trapping from his side could mutate his personality.
He was trying hard to talk her wife out her decision but it turned out to be her daughter fertilized weed. When he went to have vocabulary with his daughter she ran up to the roof and blackmailed him if he didn’t comply for a divorce she is going to jump to her death. First time in his life, he felt what he has lost everything. But it was too late now.
The things in his life are still looming in abyss and nothing has reached the shore.

In these forty two years of existence he has not only lost socially but also medically.
His health started to compromise from a small acute ailment of gastro-entrities which in due course of time shifted to GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disorder) to chronic gastritis with hernia and to hemorrhoids and fissure. And latest addition to his pathology list is ulcerative colitis.
His gastro intestinal tract is rotting inside him.

Anger can accompanied with traits
High self esteem (horizontal length of upper lip)
Brag gist (pouting of space between nose and lips)
Low morals (compromised perpendicular parallel lines running from the base of nose to center of upper lip)
Greed (rabbit like teeth)
Licentious (small eyes)


Sometimes people don’t get another chance for damage control.

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