Sunday 6 April 2014


Youth bring with it zeal to live, grow, enjoy and blossom. It’s making heart fearless and makes it seek for unknown adventures. It’s the prudence and wisdom that bridles those wild horses of youth and at last put the life to its utmost utility which many writers describe the “higher purpose of living.”

But there are plenty exemplified scenarios when those wild horses cut off from the cart and run astray in the world. What happens to their fate? Who have the last laugh, them or the destiny?

check out the girl's eyes
Everyone called her the innocent girl living just at the street end. Her baby smile and puppy dog eyes could melt anyone’s heart and could generate altruistic love for her. Was she blessed with the mutant power to camouflage or years of practice made her perfect to soil people’s eyes.

Here’s how it all began…     

She was in tenth standard when the youth slipped in her life triggering on the lust button that she suddenly felt the need to have a boyfriend. And low and behold he appeared in front of her in the computer institute in which she went as a part of short summer vacations computer course. The boy was years elder to her, but since when love (or in her case, lust) ever discriminate on age. The relationship went on for couple of months, ran it’s course and finally headed for an ineminent break up. Initial pampering phase of boy was over and he want to take a step ahead. But the girl was not ready. Getting physical at sixteen was still a taboo in her mind. Finally things didn’t work and they broke off. There is a saying that, “Difficult times either break you or make you.” Well our is the Bournvita drinking girl. She took the break up in positive stride and geared up for future.

She waited for at least two years for love to knock her doors again. And finally out of blue suddenly she had a secret admirer in the school who bestowed her with lavish flowers. And one fine day, he decided to bring cat out of the bag and came in front of her confessing to his love for her. Though not exactly her dream boy, but at least having a boyfriend makes her into league of mature, hot girl. Again the relationship completed its course period, like a self limiting viral fever, which comes, stays for few days and go away leaving a person little drained off. Suddenly she started to find the guy uglier. His teeth were tainted with tobacco and his breath awful. After all now she is stepping into college, she has to work over her standards. But how could she get a reputation of “BITCH” by ditching him, so she came up with a plan. She fanned the embers of rumor about the boy that he was double dating. The small spark spread as the forest fire. Now she has motive, means and opportunity to publically ditch him and so she did. She has learned how to sharpen her edges.

Well, since her childhood best friend was adamant taking admission in the girl’s college, so she fell in that well with her. But then well was empty and she went head first, so deeply hurt. No boy even in the 5 kilometer of radius, how could she survive?? God have been very kind to her and finally one day her prayers were answered. Her kid brother had friends with college boys and one among them made the trip to their house. Second year computer engineering student (very good!) He must have a bright future. She batted her eyes, just four times, or probably five, the boy came drolling over her. They went strong for some months and then the viral fever course happened, after all girls have demands to be fulfilled. This guy was the worst guy to date because he had all girls trait. When they went out, he used to be hell scared, if someone spotted them. The extensive, exclusive night chit-chat on phone gave him headaches. He was allergic to Romantic Rainy weather because it springed back his urticaria rashes (itchy skin complaint) and empty cinema halls running flop movies were strict- no on his itianary. Like people do work from home, he wanted to operate love affair from home. With another girl, maybe he could click, but this girl…NEVER. She had a reputation at stake.

She was sick tired of his present boyfriend and when he turned her down for a meeting on Valentine’s Day, well! Even the last straw holding, their affair floated away. She ditched him and ready for the love game.
Whenever she is in a need of boyfriend, magically someone appears. But this time, it seemed that “LOVE GOD” have impersonated himself to satisfy her. It so happened, as soon as she entered the mall basking with the glories of heart balloons, to celebrate her first lonely valentine’s in four years, her eyes got stuck on the world’s most beautiful man. He was damn handsome. She checked ten meters of his radius on all sides, no girl, not even a single one. It was a sign and he was the man she has been looking for. It looks her ten flapping eyelashes to just get his attention. OH! GOD! All her previous records, the fleet that she made in years, were breaking every moment of this one single day. The high dose of excessive mascara and the black eyeliner and excessively red lascivious lips all aligned in the “Marlyine Monroe” seductive style made the man to leave his chair and walk towards her. First time she realized its complete sweating hard work. But at last it paid. The guy was mohamdan from Kashmir. So what! Instead of taking marriage vows in temple they would do it in front of mosque. Oh My God!! What was happening to her just in one meet, she was so love smitten that she was thinking about future with him?
The relationship went with full on strength.
Is that it! Was he the ultimate Mr. Perfect for the girl with green eyes? Was this the end of her story?

The answer is NO! Check out the anticlimax next week…. 

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