Sunday 23 March 2014


The great depression is the anytime in universal clock when metaphorically speaking; the four horsemen of apocalypse are let loose, poverty, war, greed and death. There is only darkness all around. Again metaphorically speaking u can have these apocalypse horsemen haunting your life and there is no one to blame as we ourselves open door for them to enter.

This lady just had a second baby and she went into depressive mode. This medically is named as Puerperal depression. All she did whole day was to cry and brood on things of the past. Rather being attentive to needs of her new born she became indifferent, not only to her surroundings but to the personal hygiene. All she bared was the feeling of jealousy for her sister-in-law, who once created her life a living hell. She did unworldly things towards her which hurt her bad that now even after that they have separated their ways, she still feel that green eye monster of jealousy haunting her thoughts. Well, medically it can be explained, as child birth screw up with her hormones a little bit shutting up partially her logistical centers and rendering her vulnerable to pity of it. No great deal of any explanation fed her brain to peace. She always felt she was plotting against her and her family.
The child who was being brought up in such environment fell physically ill. Since it was an early stage of paranoid it was controlled medically and now after months of child birth her hormones have settled in peace, the sunshine have returned back to her life.
But the important question is that when everything in our life becomes perfectly fine too, then, why, still we loom in the backyard digging our past and why can’t we let go things and live life in present? Half of the world is worried about the past and the other half about the future. And very negligible fraction holds the torch of present. Slowly and slowly the whole world is turning into a mental asylum.
-         Narrow eyes (narrow distance between two eyebrows)
-         Pinched nose
Why we take life as the cloudy sky, why can’t it be about silver lining? THINK ABOUT IT…

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