Friday 18 April 2014


                                                STUCK IN DEEEP WATER

The voyage to the real life depends upon, how well you could swim. At any point of time if you dive in without a life jacket and your limbs go in lethargy, failing to continue you will be destined to drown and die. So life is all about, how good swimmer you are.

Every story starts the way it always start with blind love. The girl fell for a boy, who picked her cues and responded. The school time affair continued to the college and finally both families were happy to fix the match.

But suddenly after years of courtship, the girl begins to have doubts in the eleventh hour. The cards of the wedding were printed and distributed. The due date was just at the corner and the wedding bells could be heard from the distance that girl started to have symptoms of reluctance. The girl family became worrisome. The boy was called and talked. But nothing surfaced up as big problem. The boy, the gentleman he was, discussed with her family and said that since they were all relocating in foreign land therefore probably the girl was having some insecurities. He promised the girl’s elder sister who flew from Australia to attend the younger sister wedding, that he would do everything in his power to keep her happy. The boy really had zing with words that made everybody believe him and trust him blindly.
Now, only few days left for wedding to happen but the girl dilemma was at peak. She was paranoid and didn’t want to go in the holy matrimony. The only problem was she had no valid reasoning to counter. Finally she subdued to family honor and the espousal took place as planned.
The newlywed and the boy’s family relocated in the foreign land just months after the marriage.
Everything seemed picture perfect but in truth was quiet different from the beautiful wedding portrait of them hung in their living room.
One odd day, there was an international call beeping on the girl’s father mobile. Whatever conversation went on that cellular made the very ground beneath his feet skipped. The boy’s family asked them to take the girl away. They can’t keep her anymore and they were done with her melancholy and depression. They even went on accusing the girl, that she had a very low libido and have proved no good wife to their son. The girl’s family ran to get hold of their daughter. The beautiful bride, she once was and now turned into the withered pile of mass which have not only aged so fast physically but all her brain juice have also drained out. She was asked for endless hours by different members of family in countless ways but she maintained the demure of the grave silence. The mystery about her fall from the honor remained unanswered.
Finally the family pries her to take a job and she was posted in Pune. She went there half heartedly but worked there diligently. Two months later she came across the news that her mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. The little vigor she had gained to live again withered in the storm. A month later to that news, she got into an accident. She stumbled over few steps, fell on her back and got herself injured on L4 and L5 vertebra, the gravest spot to get injured. Now, she couldn’t stay there in Pune and hence returned home. For months the family lived under the black clouds of misery and uncertainty that one day lightening stuck them again. The boy had sent her divorce notice.
She was just pushed down to the bare ground with scratches and oozing wounds. The girl family again went on interrogating mode but the silence of the lamb persisted. The girl’s father ran from pillar to post to answer the legal notice. It’s a time consuming and demoralizing process but the family went through such humiliation.
Finally they had something to cheer up about. The girl had miraculous shoved away the self pitty mode and started to participate the household chores. She not only went wardrobe shopping for her parents but took interest in cooking. For past week, family misconstructed that she have magically become the charming girl she once was. The refrigerator filled with vegetables, every dirty cloth in the house washed and ironed. Every nook and corner dabbed clean. The parents slept with the hope of a bright morning, but woke up finding their girl’s body hanging with the ceiling fan.
She committed suicide and left a fifty pages suicide note eliciting every tiniest bit of details of the mental and sexual harassment along with domestic violence she went through in that foreign land in the hands of her in-laws. It was only in death, the curtains over her life story were withdrawn but it was too late for any rectification.
No words could console the family and what pain they went through can’t be described with words.
"the bubble of life blurt fast!"
Though the cops came up with the suicide note but they couldn’t do much as the boy was not only financially strong but now a foreign national.
The old father couldn’t do much, he dragged his heels as much as he could but with present judiciary system, the justice hanged in thin air. The mother lay on the death bed desperately waiting for death to come as she saw it as her only chance to reunite with her daughter, who had gone into world beyond.
The pit line between the septum of nose between the nostrils
Once hope is lost, everything is lost.

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