Sunday 13 April 2014



She “The girl with green eyes” was on cloud seven. After all, she had an awesome boyfriend with looks, compassion and brains. BINGO! What a girl wants more, after all.
But the question here is not, what girl wants more but what girls don’t want at all? The answer is the super ex-girlfriend of her guy who keeps on haunting their relationship.
The bollywood turn in her fairy tale occur when, her Muslim boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend returned into his life. Even the hell won’t have that fury that the super ex-girlfriend bestowed on her. Apart from humiliating and hitting her in public, she went to an extent to stage a suicide. The boy was grinded between his past and present. The things became so ugly, that finally one day, the boy dropped the axe on his relationship with this girl and returned to his ex. She was devastated. The tears didn’t stop and all her make-up drowned in them, giving her phantom look. It was the first time she tasted her own bitter medicine. The fate had at last “final laugh.”

Small and long eyes, there is a remarkable distance between the inner and outer commeasure of eyes.
Excessively fuller, red and moist center of upper

All of you, who are feeling sorry for the girl, well, please don’t! Because, STORY ABHI BAKI HAI MERE DOST.

                                  RETURN OF THE GIRL WITH           DRAGON TATTOO
The Almighty Lord has a soft corner for this girl and he sends her the guy, gift wrapped to wipe off her tears soon. This new entry in the story is called the ‘METRO BOY’ because they first met in the metro and clicked-on since then. She enjoyed but still missed the guy, on whom she was completely bowled over.
But whatever, she even got a dragon tattoo like the one, on her present boyfriend arm, on her back. This fling also went her on for a while till one day…

Till one day, when this boy took her to some job interview in Gurgaon. It so happened, the job interview had multiple rounds to go for and the boy didn’t have the clue that it would take five to six hours. Now the question for the girl was how to pass the time? She is a talented girl and always ready with her predator instincts. Her antennae beeped as she spotted a vulnerable guy. She required amusement for the dry run. It was matter of seconds that she gelled in with the new guy.
Suddenly and instantly she felt, the life with the metro guy was turning boring and she required a thrill and lo and behold, the new guy appeared with all the vigor.
She dumped the metro guy for the reason that he left her unattended for 5-6 hours. He was held culpable for the break up. The poor guy couldn’t say anything.
The girl was happy with new colors in her life. But unfortunately this relationship didn’t even run the standard course, because the new guy, engineer by profession, was now posted to Bangalore. Long distance relationship was a new flower; she thought to put in her hairs. But the “total attention grabber” girl this thing was just a wishful thinking. And as everyone knew, the fate of this particular relationship, the things happen in same scripted manner, another break-off in her bucket list.
Past years have been little tiresome for her both physically and emotionally (it’s not easy for her to forget the Muslim boy). For a while she has retrace her steps to a humdrum existence bereft of the spirit of adventure and denuded of lust of living.
Well that’s the story of the girl with green eyes till now. If I get updated you too would be.
But, for all of those who feel sorry for the end of the story, I mean a “little time off” part, so here is something that would cheer you up a little.
The girl may not be in a relationship or a fling but she still have guy drooling all his affection over her, but haven’t received any green light signal till now. Though he has just earned marks as her back and call guy, whenever she require any transportation. He and his screeching sounding bullet Enfield bike is still in waiting for an open heart invitation from the girl.
                                  Oh! God! This girl has oomph!
Duck Tales- the whitey and her seven flings (please spot the white duck in the rare)


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