Sunday 3 November 2013


                         “WHAT DID I MISS?”

Today’s life, is the busy one, really very very busy life and we all complaint (including me) that we don’t have time for petty things, like for couple of seconds standing and appreciating the prism of colours forming through the small drops of rain or enjoying shapes and patterns of clouds in sea blue sky or staring at stars and wondering about CEREUS (the brightest star of all) in pitch dark night, only because we don’t have time. Do we realize that we are missing all these things?

Couple of months back, I had a patient who wanted me to treat his massive hair loss. He was just 26 years old and the bald patches were quite evident on his head. After ruling out that it is not male heredity pattern baldness, as his uncles and brothers have good bushes over their head, I took the case.
It was revealed that last year he had typhoid which got bad and he was treated with massive dose of allopathic medicines along with couple of shots of injections. And since then he is having a worse hair fall of his life. He was very worrisome patient, always frowning about such a massive hair fall in such young age. I don’t say, his worries were baseless, but it seemed as if it was deeply connected to his psyche as he had all negative thinking about everything going around in his life. He felt so forlorn.
One day, I asked him, why is he is always so anxious. And then he revealed his story. They are two brothers, elder one being only two years elder to him. When he was sixteen years old, his father died and since he was the sole earning member of the family the responsibility felt on the two young boys.
And since the age of sixteen, along with his studies, he worked hard with his brother and in the span of 10 years; they were able to establish a good business of wholesale and manufacturer of the ladies sandals. They are running a factory, though it is on rent he tells me that they have worked really very hard and haven’t thought about rest in past 10 years. And since he has seen that hard time, he fears that time can return again. He says it’s always in back of his mind.
Very touching was his story I prescribed accordingly and gave him few multiple vitamins Biotin and folic acid for his early recovery. Two weeks later, he came to me with same complaint. I again changed the prescription and the complaint still persisted after one month of treatment well, it never happens.
I again retook the case. One thing that troubled me that, he was suffering from intense weakness even after taking the multivitamins pills. I asked him to run few blood tests. I was expecting a low haemoglobin, hence thought of treating him first for Anaemia.

When I saw his blood profile, I asked him to run it again, this time from other laboratory. He asked me what he was suffering from. But, I asked him to wait patiently for the next report.  The other report was the twin to the first. There was massive increase in his total leucocytes count and he had presence of immature cells like star cells in his blood profile which are always absent until proved otherwise.
My diagnosis, he had cancer and I referred him for a bone narrow biopsy. He was shocked and so was I; he was just 26 and had no bad habits have not even enjoyed his life. To settle and to get married was totally out of question for him now.


I think about that boy. What would have happened to him? Since, I have referred him; there were no further contact until one day, from the blue moon he appeared at the door steps of my clinic. He was totally a change man.
 For a surprise, he hadn’t converted himself into the attire of dying man in the abyss of depression, on contrary, was really a charming person, full of life. I haven’t seen such beautiful colours of his persona, in my short association with him.
The first thing that striked my mind was that, the reports that he showed me, must have proved wrong. But this was not the scenario. He showed me reports of biopsy in which it was clearly diagnosed; he was suffering from “CHRONIC LYMPHOD LEUKEMIA” a fancy term for blood cancer.
I looked at the report and looked at his face. I was baffled and it didn’t end there. The guys who haven’t missed work for one single day since past ten years was not going to his work for past one month. All he did was to meet his treating doctors, took his meds and hangout with his friends.   
 He was not forlorn but enjoying life to its fullest. I haven’t ever seen him so zealous and positive since I ever met him. Cancer changed him and he is not at all abnoxiously worrying about the future though he has an incurable disease.
He said that he was just there to show me his reports and without asking me anything about prognosis, he just chuckled his way out. The only last thing he said and that often ring in my ear is “Now, I have time for everything”.

That day, I was so much shaken to my core that I went back home and went straight to my terrace and spent at least thirty minutes with the stunning bright stars of dark September night. I also spotted Cereus {the brightest star in the night} and since that day, I say not very regularly, but quite often catch Cereus.
I also occasionally see different shape of white cloud in the blue sky while driving. It seems very beautiful and serenade. It is only in our hand to take out time for petty things in life or one day we would be left with No life to see those beautiful things that God made for us.


Marked sign is the outer commissars of the lips which points downward. They are never happy people and always fret about future.



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