Saturday 9 November 2013



Sharing is a good habit. From school days this habit is inculcated in young mind, when teachers ask us to share. Our lunch, our notebooks, our geometry boxes, etc, etc. As we grow up, we share our domentry room, share a bathroom, share MC Donald’s and Pizza hut bills, even cell phone recharges and sometimes unknowingly a boyfriend / girlfriend. This is very common.
But can you think of any weirdest thing that you have ever shared. Just give yourself few seconds to think about it, before reading this blog “The weird Intimacy”.

“To be cautious is good habit, to be extra –extra cautious is not so good, but still fair enough but to be psychopathically extremely cautious is very lethal” said the lady sitting next to me.
She has a story about a medical procedure that her husband went through last year for the treatment of his non- healing, corroding and painful apthous of month.
Well, when we read and cram this medical procedure from medical books and hear it from our seniors, it look kind of fine, but when we hear it from patient’s mouth, it seems really weird. Well, here the story that she told me.
It so happened last year. That her husband had stomach bug, because of which he had excessive vomiting and stomach ache. People around him were so surprised to see him suffering from gastro enteritis as he was consider to be a person who put his health in front of all the things and used to eat with caution.
He went to the famous and expensive gastroenterologist of a well known hospital for his treatment. He was prescribed medicines accordingly which he took religiously. After five days he was remarkably improved. On sixth day he went for a follow-up. Doctor reduced the dosage along with it changed it to lighter salt.
Again he took the medicines for next five days. Though he was relieved, but the complaint persisted. The relief in these five days were less as compared to the prior five days. He again went to the doctor, and told him his mind. Since, the symptoms were relieving, doctor again reduced the dosage and told him that now he only has to take the medicine for five more days and his treatment would be over.
He again followed instruction for five more days. Though he was relieved, his vomiting was gone, his indigestion was not troubling him anymore or there was any tenderness in the stomach, but still, some how he was not convinced that he was completely cured of his ailment. Now, since the doctor has asked him not to come again because according to him, he was cured, he was in a complete fix. He had the fear in the mind that he would have reversal of symptoms as soon as the dose of the medicine would be terminated.

He have been cautions immediately taking the medicine, he have been extra cautions for continuing the treatment for 15 days for common stomach bug, but he have developed the phobia of disease and here, he committed a blunder, without doctor’s consent, he took the strong antibiotics, which were prescribed at initiation of treatment which doctor had stop after the course of 5 days. He took those medicines for a month. And he felt good.

After a month, he stopped those meds, thinking himself to be cured. One week after he stopped medicines he started to suffer from hell of symptoms, each and every symptom that is given in books under the topic of Gastro intestinal Disease.
He had alternating constipation and diarrhoea, he had severe indigestion that as soon as the food entered the alimentary canal, it was reverted back to its starting point. The man began to lose weight and his buccal [mucosa membranous covering inside the mouth] were full of apthous.

Day after day he shunted doctors, but no one could give him relief. Every test that could have been done to investigate his problems was performed twice or thrice on him, still the “Status Quo” was maintained. It was only after three months of his suffering, one doctor in south India could diagnose him that all his complaints are traced back to his heavy and overdose of antibiotics which killed the entire healthy bacterial flora in his intestines.
The only way to treat him was to re-grow back the healthy bacteria colonies and the procedure to do it is called “FECAL TRANSPLANT THERAPY”

It is a process of restoration of colonic flora by introducing healthy bacterial flora through infusion of stool obtained from healthy human donor. This is a treatment recommended to patient suffering from clostridium difficile infection (CDI) which is linked with excessive and empiric use of antibiotics. Generally, the healthy donor is the one who shares same living and eating habit as the patient, therefore they are mainly family members.

In the above case, it was the wife who donated her stool to her husband, so that he could recover from his own created hell. Well, it took him two more months to get completely recovered after sharing his wife’s stool.
Now, you know, at what extent the habit of sharing is possible between the intimate relationships.

Very long thin nose which is pinched at its trip.

“Sharing is a virtue, so you should share whatever you can share” (Pun Intended).

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