Saturday 30 November 2013


Everyone must heard of the story about the king who walked naked on the street of his kingdom during the annual parade. If you haven’t heard about the famous anecdote, here is in brief what happened.
Once upon a time there lived a king in some far away kingdom who beard quite an aristocratic taste and Instead of investing in any developmental projects, he siphoned all the tax money in luxurious outfits and decor of his palace.
It so happened one day, two friends arrived in his kingdom and claimed to be the best dress designer of the world. They bragged about how they have designed so many famous king and queens dresses and since they have heard very much about the refine taste of the king, they have come to this kingdom, especially to design has outfit.
The king was ecstatic to hear it. The king provided them a big workshop and gave them the liberty to ask them anything they wanted to design the dress. It was decided that king would wear this dress on the annual parade function.

The designer started the work on the dress and for that they asked for tones of gold and silver on pretext of using them to make the dress. It was becoming very expensive but still king allowed it as he believed that this is going to be the dress of the millennium.
After one week the king send his ministers one by one to see the dress and give him the report. Each and every minister returned with the praises of the dress, which made king very desperate to wear that dress. Finally, the day of parade arrived and the king was to wear the most awaited of his wardrobe.
The two designers dressed the king. But to his utmost surprise he couldn’t find the dress. The designer very smartly made him believe that this is an invisible golden and silver dress he is wearing and no one in the world have ever wore. It was easy for those two con friends as they made even the ministers, believe, who came priorly to the king, to see the dress.
With doubts king wore the dress, but when he saw himself in the mirror, he found himself naked. But when the con friends made him realized how well his dresses have been praised by his ministry, the king sigh in relief. He walked the roads of his kingdom naked. They all laughed under their breath but no one dare to say anything under the fear of any punishment. It was only when a 5 years old boy shouted “the king walks naked” that king realized his blunder, but it was too late.

 The con friends have ran away with all the gold and silver which they were supposed to use in the dress, even the huge amount which they charged for making that dress and the king was left red faced as he walked the streets of his kingdom naked. Is this an anecdote or this happens in today’s world?

This man sit next to me, telling the tale of his wife. They both are fifty something and his wife have already hit menopause and she is not ready to accept the age related changes happening in her. She can’t accept that she have become old and can’t have those charms of her young age and keep on comparing herself with the young generation.
Women like her, have tendency to go to beauty and slimming centers and then these typical women get entangled in their web so badly on pretext of looking younger and looking more beautiful.
And his wife was no expectation. For one whole year she went to these beauty centers and slimming one to look young. They made her believe that the wrinkles around her eyes and her sagging skin have disappeared.  And she have lost quite a deal of weight. But, according to her husband, she hasn’t. She looked same old her. If she have lost few negligible inches, that is because of her excessive dieting and fasting.
They tell her that her skin have tightened up and her wrinkles have disappeared, but still she have to put loads of extra make-up to conceal the things which have disappeared. Her husband get furious, while saying that how God made time cycle could reverse, but he couldn’t say her to stop fooling around. [He was very right not to stop her because Post – Menopause women have elevated level of self-righteous self-esteem hormones and if at certain point of time they are transected, their reaction could be out of proportion and to handle such a volcano burst becomes difficult to bring under control].

Six months later when there was a big wedding in the house, his wife was ready to take over other women of her age. Weddings are like a situation of cold war, where every woman competes with her peers in make-up, looks, dresses and jewelry. The lady was also ready or she was made to believe she was, after all six months she has been working for this only. It was very cloudy on the wedding day.Same was the environment inside the house. It was a last minutes trouble. The dress she chooses to wear which she brought with so much love and passion was not fitting her. Though it was not fitting her when she brought it but it was one month back and in last 30 days she was expected to fit into it. End moment changes are very difficult the especially for the women, especially for “the dress” they selected for the ground ceremonies. It’s like their “the weapon” for the cold war.
To change the dress was next to impossible, so with all difficulties. She squeezed herself in that dress. She wasn’t breathing; her drill was few short breathes at long interval. She got herself the radiant make-up. Though she looked ravishing but still she wasn’t breathing. Finally they reached the party. She pledged she won’t eat as there was not extra space for even a little distended belly to fit in that dress.
Half the time in party she was complimented for her looks and dress. Half the battle won, but still half left. Starving was making her uncomfortable and to deviate her attention she joined the group of people dancing on the dance floor. After half an hour of dancing and sweating her throat felt parched and she drank a glass of water. She wasn’t even through completing that glass of water that her dress started to give up. The button at the back of the blouse busted out at the high projectile speed and landed into the juice glass of the random guest.
Slowly and slowly she could hear her dress tearing apart. To her horror, the whole process was gaining some speed. She ran to her husband tightly holding herself together and not breathing at all. Her husband came to her rescue and both bunged out of the party with lightning speed.
As soon as the lady came out, it started pouring as if the rain gods were waiting for her to come out. All her make up got wiped away and left few random strains on her face totally sabotaging her once so ravishing looks.
From the corner of her eyes she could see couple of ladies staring at her and with her acute hearing power she could hear words like “fat”, “wrinkles”, “old brat”, “ugly”. The half won battle was suddenly lost and that night she cried on the shoulder of her husband and that night she was enlightened with the thought that nothing can stop the nature’s course. She stopped going to such institutes who feed on false vanity of the women who can’t accept themselves in their skin.

-         High arched eyebrows
-         Slightly protruding ears


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