Sunday 24 November 2013



Sometimes things happen spontaneously as we want them to happen and we become very happy. But sometimes they don’t happen as we have plan them to happen, in such cases we either accept it and become sad or we start over again from plan B. So here is one real story about “The Plan B”.

Lithe girl with the dusky complexion and attractive features was the bond girl of her hometown. Everyone knew her she was quiet daring and with big dreams to settle in abroad. All she talked about was that she is definitely going to settle in Canada. But at the same she had a clandestine affair with a married man. They used to hang around surreptitiously and their family was unaware of it. It was only one trust worthy friend she had who used to arrange her meetings with that guy.
The affair prolonged for two years, but now the big problem was that her family have started looking for a groom. She curtly asked her boyfriend to divorce his wife and to get married to her. The guy, who said, that he deeply loved her, was ready to divorce his wife, but feared his girlfriend sky high dreams and ambitions. He feared that he won’t be able to fulfill them and then she would leave him and with a broken marriage followed by a broken heart, he won’t be able to live.
The girl started to pressurize the guy, as her family had zeroed over one boy to be her prospectus groom. The boy that family choose was though five years elder to the girl and had very healthy and matured looks as compared to the girl, but his family was very well settled, moreover the boy was planning to wind off his business here and was planning to shift his base to Canada, where already his elder brother lived with his family. Therefore the girl family thought him to be the perfect boy for the girl.
When girl came to know about that the guy was trying for Canadian citizenship, her mind and heart become unsettled. First time she started think with her mind and locked her heart in the closet. God was giving her a Plan – B to live in which fulfilled all her dreams. She gave her boy the ultimatum to divorce his wife, but since she couldn’t find anything positive she said yes to the guy her family choose and they got married. Everyone was shocked when they saw the groom; the girl looked much prettier and lovely. But since it was girl’s choice, no one said anything.

The guy was happy that he got a pretty wife. Actually he bearded a secret crush over the girl whom he met through a common friend one year back. The girl forgot about him but since that day co-indecently meeting with her, not a day have passed that he haven’t thought about her. It was his wish comes true.
He had given up the hope to get her but praise the lord, he was given a Plan-B by him to live his dream with his dream girl.

But, it so happened that 6 months after marriage, their family didn’t shift to Canada, on contrary, the boy’s brother was coming back permanently to India because he suffered some losses in Canada and to live there further could be very expensive on his pocket.
The girl was heartbroken and went into shock for a while, but on this pretext she couldn’t leave her husband. She accepted it as her destiny and accepted that this is the life that she would live. And maybe, God become generous on her and give her an opportunity to go to Canada. For time being her Plan-B failed.

Six months back, he was under so much pressure to leave his wife, the woman who came from a very strong financial family with lot of dowry. Since he was so busy to take care of his affair and his business was ignored so much, still he could afford the luxurious life style only because of his wife. He couldn’t let loose her golden goose, but he was being threatened by the girl that if he didn’t do anything, she would let their secret out and his wife, then would leave him willfully.
He lost his night sleep. One fine afternoon he was sitting and thinking about his situation, that his very old friend payed him a surprise visit. They talked for a while and suddenly his friend told him that his family was looking for a bride for him and how he bear a deep crush over the girl that once he met through him.
Suddenly the boy eyes sparkled, there was a Plan-B, sitting right next to him, to get rid off the girl who had so badly interrupted his, once smooth running life.
The boy talked to his friend and confirmed weather he was talking about the same girl, he was having affair with. And once, when he was sure, he assured his friend that he could get the girl he wanted, all he need to do is, as he says. He told his friend that they should approach the girl family with the prospectus that the whole family would shift to Canada shortly.
 But when his friend told him that his brother was also planning to return to India, he advice him to keep it under cover and just behave like that the whole family would definitely move to Canada in near future, he told his friend that this was the only way to get the girl of his dream. His friend was so much smitten by the beauty of the girl that the near thought of that he could get that girl, made him jump into this lie game.
And as the guy expected, the girl said ‘yes’ to his friend and got married to him and giving him his independence and security of his wife’s finances. The guy is back into the date market. He is very active on “On-Line Dating” sites. After all his Plan-B worked.

-         Eyes are big or sometimes small but the outer commissar is directed little upward.
-         Look for a big black mole on their face [Mostly present, but not as a Rule]

There is nothing right or wrong, winning the only objective in this con game.

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