Tuesday 3 September 2013


           GHOST OF HOUSE NO.43

For centuries the topic about the existence of Ghost or supernatural things haves been a topic of discussion which takes have exchange of prolific words but still not reaching any consensus conclusion. Even it has become a, showbiz business market, and the TRP of such supernatural phenomenon entertainment are always sky high. But on serious note, let me again incite the age old question, are there Ghosts, spirits that processes, or exorcism is sharman’s gimmick for gullible people or it’s a science unexplored.


It’s been three years since have been suffering from atrocious pain radiating from her RIGHT flank to the pubic symphisies, and every time the pain gets incited the only way to relieve it was pumping in two or three voveron injections. It was way before meeting me. Now, she is in more stable condition and for this she thanks me along with the Swamiji of the temple near her house.
So, here it is how it all begins. Many years back they shifted into this house and then suddenly, like it was bound to happen, the members of the family started to get sick. First her grandmother (who was 80 yrs old) got sick and then died, then the mother (who was suffering from severe Vit B12 and calcium deficiency, diagnosed with osteoporosis) got a slip disc which render her bed ridden for almost a year. Her grandfather suddenly had a drastic change in his behaviour (you call it old age as he was approaching 90 or was taking dozens of meds for his heart, blood pressure, liver and asthmatic ailments) from a calm man to the one who lost patience on drop of hat.
This continued for a while and then the final blow came when the girl was diagnosed with renal stone, taking breath away pain. At that time also they were running from doctors to doctors, it never occurs to them they were under the curse of the house and they should approach any spiritual Guru to get their ailment remedied.


One day, there was a religious ceremony going on in neighbourhood. A Swamiji from nearby temple was invited, but as soon he crossed the house no.43, he stopped. He felt the environment was too heavy. He wanted to move on but couldn’t, there was something inside him asking him to ring the bell of the house. So he did and confronted the family of the house. First they thought he have confused about the house number, where he was suppose to go but when they came to know the actual reason, the earth skipped under their feet.
According to Swamiji, the house was haunted by a spirit who is so much attached to this house no.43. Many years back this house belonged to her and even after death she couldn’t bring herself to get detach from this house. She have already cause much trouble to it’s already occupants and she is still berserk.
The head of the family thought that Swamiji was just trying to scare them. Deaths and diseases do occur in every household.  But he didn’t want to be disrespectful to Swamiji, so he heard him patiently and when he offered his help, he politely refused. Swamiji went away.
The lady of the house became seared and started worshipping God and Goddess more vigorously. Couple of days later the girl again got her severe renal colic attack. She was rushed to nearby nursing home, where she was injected with high dose of vovron. She came back home, went into her room and slept in her bed. Couple of hours later when she woke up, she saw a vague figure of women dressed in a burkha (Mohamddan dress) only her eyes which were red shot, visible in the dress. The woman raised a finger towards her and said, “I will take you with me, definitely. Whatever you do won’t stop me” and then she started laughing. The girl was shocked, her throat choked and it took her great deal of time, gathering all her courage and to run to other room where her mother was sitting. She started crying as soon as she saw her mother. She told her everything.
Her mother became worried and when her father came home she talked to him about the day events. Her father sweeps it off calling it the effect of tranquilizer which personified the Swamiji words into real figure. It’s just the astray chemicals of her brain and nothing else. He talked the whole family out of superstition.
Since that day the girl started to have hallucination that someone was following her, someone was seeing her when she is sleeping. At night she started to see shadows. But her father ignored it. The only time that got his concern was that when the locked doors of his house were found opened without any break in. That night they could hear the door slamming open, but when they got up to check, no one was found. Since that day girl’s grandfather became very sick and apart from earlier behaviour shunt, started doing awkward and strange activities.
Next day the whole family rushed to the Swamiji with their complaint and seek his help. Swamiji had a very strange way of detecting the ghost effect. He smelled the family member hands and said the ghost have best affiliation towards the girl. Her perfumes attract her.


Swamiji gave the family do’s and don’ts list like the girl was prohibited to put henna designs, nail paint and perfumes, she was asked to read “Hanuman Chalisa”{Holy book to glorify Lord Hanuman}. All the members of family were advised to read “Bhagvad Gita” and to chant one whole rosary beads of Hare Krsna Mahamatra. Along with all these precautions, the girl was asked to come to the temple where he sat, for forty days to complete process of exorcism.


For last one year she has improved a lot. She went back to her jolly self fearlessly. She is twenty two now and her parents have fixed her marriage to a guy in Ludhiana. She is about to get married this november, but suddenly their happiness got a sudden halt. Again strange things started to happen, starting from detorating health condition of his grandfather and his ultimate demise and return of her colicky pains and hallucinations.
The time again they went rushing to the Swami. Swamiji smelled her hand and said that spirit have returned again. The smell of henna on her hands attracted her to return. This henna design she applied on her ring ceremony. This time Swamiji was more worried, getting married with a ghost haunting her would, lead to a lifelong bond with her and therefore he came up with more rigorous exorcism procedure. She is asked to chant series of Mantras and various holy threads are tied on her all limbs along with she is asked to wear Iron bangle to keep the spirit away.
Until recently what I came to know that she is improving.


Our brains have various parts like prefrontal cortex, Hypothalamus, Amygdales etc.
Prefrontal cortex along with other part from the conscious brain which decipher between what is right and wrong, what is real and what is fake and moreover it keeps the brake over the amygdale and hypothalamus which from the part of subconscious brain generating whimsical fantasies, dreams, delusions and wild thoughts. Maybe the sedative effect of pain killer, diluted the bridle of her conscious mind over the subconscious one and the words of Swamiji that were stored in her hypothalamus personified into hallucination which she considered real and finally triggered the series of her affair with the spirit.
Well I have just given a hypothesis, the real question still remains. It is just the chemical misbalance of unlocked doors of her subconscious mind or the House No.43 is really haunted by a ghost?


                    i.            Outer corner of the eyes dipping downward.
                 ii.            Fuller lips
              iii.            Presence of fats at the cheek
               iv.            Protruding ears


There is only one power and that is power of almighty and we should all bow to it.



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