Tuesday 3 September 2013



“The general image of women is that of doll of clay, casts in the modes of docility and passivity, embellished to be an object of an entertainment and tamed to be a self abnegating wife and mother”; these were the lines of my debate, long back in 2001, on some topic about status quo of the women. These lines I copied from some article in a random magazine and learned it by heart. Though I was only limited to the consolation prize in that debate, but those lines have stayed with me ever since and now after all these years I am re-using it again to do a little reality check over the status quo of women of today.


She always wanted to be a nurse and serve the humankind, but before she could get enrolled for nurse training course, her parents decided her to get married and without any revolt, she did got married. It was not like choking her desires and succumbing to parents’ wishes but the typical woman’s adoption to any given situation, all she wanted was peace.
There is a very fascinating story about her birth and it yearned years before she opened her eyes in this world which she at first thought was amazing.
It so happened, her mother had one more elder sister. When there was a groom searching for elder sister, at that particular time she was diagnosed with breast cancer, though it was at very early stage, the surgical excision and few sittings of chemotherapy totally cured her but it took quite a deal of time, till then her age (according to Indian standard) took a toll and she lost interest in the institution called marriage. Seeing her lonely life, her younger sister promised her that she would give her, her first born child.
Years later, when a girl was born to the younger sister, she kept her promise and the elder sister legally adopted her. And since then the protagonist of this story was pampered by two mothers, her all wishes were fulfilled before she could utter them. The world was the most amazing place for the little girl.
Years passed, she was fully content with twenty two years that she stayed on the earth. Now she wanted to pay back and hence wanted to join the nursing course, but her biological father found her a match. She agreed without hassle.
The boy was native of Bihar, with high qualification, he was a lawyer and his family legacy had many I.S officers, doctors and lawyers.
Such a highly qualified family, in their caste, moreover astrologically a perfect match, every block was filled perfectly. It seemed as if the girl was born with a golden luck. The only one thing was particular in  the case was the age difference between the couple that was seven years which was rarely an issue for the family as the boy was handsome and look younger to his age.
The girl’s foster mother put all her life savings into her marriage and it was conducted with lot of pomp and show. A huge amount of dowry was give. The girl was covered in gold and then delivered to her in-laws house.
Well, the girl could have her happily ever after since then but sometimes destiny takes a U-turn and then starts the process of reversal of fortune.


It was only two months she have been married. The whole mirage of the highly qualified family broke loose in front of her. Once considered so open minded family turned out to be the bigots and orthodox Hippocrates of the society.
There were two rape cases running on his father-in-law and her sister-in-law had wrongly filed a case of dowry harassment on her husband.
Her mother-in-law was such a stingy lady that she kept so many boundations on her. And her so handsome husband was no support to her. It turned out that she was the second wife to her husband who was previously divorced and the age gap between them was almost fifteen years. The girl’s family was fooled into holy matrimony.
She ignored all the facts and tried to adjust. But when the tyrannies of her mother-in-law and violence by her husband became the regular routine, she revolted back. She was tried to subdue but this time she was not going to bend and hence returned home. She left all her dowry over there, jewellery in bank lockers under the name of her in-law, so was the money and returned empty handed and filed a divorce petition in Delhi court.
This was too much to take for her adoptive mother. She went into depression and her once cured cancer returned back in full blown from. This time it was so furiously that in couple of months, rot her to her core and she finally gave up to it.
This was the roughest patch of the girl’s life, she returned to her original family and to her utter surprise they were not very supportive. They want her to take the case back and to return to the home of in-laws. They even told that because of her, the future of her younger siblings have been jeopardized as her act had brought bad name to the family.
She was aghast at her family reaction. That night she cried a lot. She was left lonely in this whole world, and the only person who could stand for now was she herself. With those teary eyes and broken heart, she decided that she won’t let go it like that. She will give it a fight, even if she has to do it all alone.
She took admission in the law course in Delhi University with the money her adopted mother left for her and at time carried on with the court case against her husband. Her so called family didn’t supported her at all except giving her place to live and food to eat. None of them walked with her during the hearings in the court moreover continued building the pressure over her to withdraw.


It’s been 3 years since her case is going on. Since the other party is too influential, therefore the judgment is being delayed and the case is lingering on. But she have not left hope and still fighting. Now, she has quite a good deal of knowledge about the law therefore carrying on her fight.
Mean while she is also preparing herself for various job related entrance exams as well as found her a good boyfriend through jeevansathi.com. He knows everything about her and as soon as she will get her divorce, they plan to marry.
It’s still a long road to go and she doesn’t intend to give up in midway. She walked alone to whole way and now she is confident she can walk alone ahead too


·        Proper formation of musculature of body
·        Sharp features
·        Proper developed Alae Nasi (Nastril)
·        Well formed respiratory system.
·        Strong and well placed Neck.
·        Sharp vision.


The rule of life is always ‘move  on’. If you can’t fly, then run, if you can’t run, then walk, if you can’t walk, then crawl. But,  just move on.”




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