Saturday 7 September 2013


              CONUNDRUM  CONNUBIAL ?

It is said marriage are made in heaven and if it is not cupid stuck affair, then the elders take the responsibility of hooking up the two strange souls. But there are certain rare cases where it status starts with a confusion and ends up being an enigma and no one realizes till the very end how and what happened.


She is a middle class family eligible spinster and since for now, she was settled in her career as a school teacher, the only accolade left to achieve was suitable match to get hooked to.
Since there was no love affair she was involved in, so her parents found her a match through matrimonial services. But the only problem was that the boy was a NRI and was settled in Nigeria.
Nigeria wasn’t a dream country for the girl to settle and hence she refused in the beginning. Parents confronted her and with all the emotional blackmailing tact convinced her. Finally, she agreed to meet the boy who flew from Nigeria to India.
In boy girl meeting, the girl was really charmed by the boy. They were an instant hit couple. So, the things were fixed and the girl got ready to fly away to Nigeria. Things looked so simple and it seemed every block was falling into its right place.
But the date of the marriage according to astrological calculation was fixed next year. There were almost eleven months, the eleven months of distant courtship.
The boy flew back to Nigeria and girl stayed in India. Numbers were exchanged and God Bless internet, they chatted for long long hours, exchange of words lead to exchange of heart and therefore so called arrange connubial reformed itself in love story.


It was only four months left for the marriage date. Suddenly, on the connation of certain distant relative, the mother realized they haven’t got the bride and groom birth chart matched astrologically. So one fine day bride’s mother both charts and went to the astrologer.
What the astrologer told her, swept the flow beneath her feet. The boy turned out to be a “Manglik” , and the girl was “Non Manglik” , therefore this match was next to impossible.
There are few basic rules of astrology which everyone knows, when I say everyone it means even kids in India, and among them the most hyped one is Manglik can’t marry a non manglik, and much hyped consequences of suck match is either the couple will end up in a divorce or one of them would face an early death.
The girl mother came back crying. She was inconsolable. Hours later when she could catch her breath, she uttered out truth with sniffs and snobs.
It came as a shock for the whole family especially the girl. Now, the job of parents were to talk her out of this matrimony and again they tried to bring handy their emotional blackmail tool. But this time all their efforts turned futile as the girl had fallen head over heels in love with the guy and now he was not any other guy but the man of her dreams.
The girl confronted the guy with the truth on internet. At first he was also petrified but later on, like a hero of the story, asked her to trust him, he would definitely make all things right.


Parents were trying to break it and the children were trying to fix it. It was nothing more than a tug of war. But parents were bit relaxed as they know that it was a long distant thing and it would take time to heal the broken heart. They were counting upon the “doctor time” but they didn’t know that the time actually was skipping like sand, between their fingers. The couple had a plan. Just 15 days before the expected date of the marriage the boy flew back from Nigeria and the girl went out on context of going for job, met at certain time and place and then went straight away to the court and legally got married. They asked their best friends to witness it and finally after one year of courtship they were able to stamp their relationship with marriage. It started at as arrange, intermediates as love affair and finally ended as runaway marriage.
Both families were shocked and now they could do nothing, ultimately in a consensus decision they conducted a big party on the behalf of their marriage and invited all their relatives. Hence they finally had a chance to start their happy ever after.


·        The center of upper lip and scallop like a bow beside it.
·        The redness and fullness of upper lip.

 “Love finds out its way.”

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