Sunday 23 June 2013


                                                   THE ROCKSTAR

The first thing that comes to mind after hearing the word ‘ROCKSATR’ is a tall man with long hairs and toured jean with guitar hanging in his neck, reverberating the whole environ into vivid and lively magnetism.
They become ideal and Demigod for commoners likes us. We look to them with awe and don’t even blink once, when they are in front of us.

I am definitely not writing this story about any such Rockstar, but instead on full contrary I am enumerating the incidence of a life of a girl, with no exceptional look or talent, who could be easily missed like a rock on the side of the road.

Family of five, three kids and two parents were living fairly happy life with day to day minor problems in a 90 square meter house. The father had a good business and mother was housemaker and the only business of kids was to be either naughty or study.
But suddenly the dark clouds start to accumulate over their house. The father had a amicable family business with his brother, but gradually, starting from minor alteration things started to become worse and one fine day, brothers decided to apart their ways.
The man with the three kids being the youngest in the family was given a small share of the total family assets and liabilities. The man with high self esteem accepted it without a word and was confident enough that he would re-establish himself with the meager resources he had in his basket.
But, eventually he was proved wrong, his business went into severe losses which couldn’t be recovered and gradually everything in their possession was sold, first it was gold and then their ninety square meter house.
Their once luxurious life was transferred to the condition of utter poverty. They went in small house but with pocket boring rent. The business was shut and inch by inch their saving accounts were going down.
The head of the family become depressed and to make condition more worse, got into the company of ideal philosophers who spent their whole day in park just cursing the government and practicing blasphemy.
The eldest girl of the family was fifteen years old and the other two siblings were two and four years respectively junior to her. They were all taken out from private school and shoved to government school. In three years times the eldest girl was out of school.
The condition of her family was not good, her father earnings were negligible and the savings were almost on the verge to get vanish but only thing that was high was the needs of the family, so she decided to sacrifice her fancies and entered into real world of hardship for her siblings.
She took admission in a correspondence course in Delhi University and at same time took a part time job play important part in family income.
She did her graduation, instead applying for post graduation studies, which was always her dream; she took a full time job, to meet the growing needs of family. Her brother took admission in Charted Accountant Programme and in due course of time her youngest sister took admission in an engineering college.
Each and every day was a fight for the young girl. Each and every day had new challenges which were to be met.
The growing burden was too heavy for her to bear, but she tried hard, at the cost of her health, at the coast of her dreams and never complaint.


One day that girl fell ill so bad that she was admitted to the hospital for a very long time. Her absence at work place cost her job, terminating all source of income.
It was only then that her father realized what was he doing, he was playing with the lives of his kids.
He got rid of his false ego and took a low paying job. In due course of time he started to get good offers and on the other hand the girl also improved.
Now the father and the eldest girl both shared the responsibilities and the condition begin to look good though the needs were still there.


Darkness of night is broken by a single light of dawn. Four years later, the girl’s brother completed his Charted Accountancy and got a job in Multi-National Company. The youngest sibling was on the verge of completion of her Engineering.
And after all those years of sacrifices the girl thought to take a break and resumed back to her studies.


Big eyes along with shine in them
Adequate spacing between two eyes
Adequate width of tip of nose
Convex appearance of the length of the nose
Slightly protruding chin
Round, small and well placed ears



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