Thursday 13 June 2013


                     FOOL’S GOLD

“Akshay Tritiya” is one of the most auspicious day of the year according to Hindu calendar. It is said, that it’s the best day of the year to buy gold and a good day to start any new business venture or to get into holy matrimony. This year ‘Akshay Tritiya’ was on thirteenth of last month. It was Monday. Maybe most of you must have missed it like any other day but for special few it became epoch in the time.


“One day, I would definitely get married to woman of my dreams” was his pet dialogue. The boy, twenty five years of age with no exceptional looks and with little adipose belt around his tummy was male version of Alice in Wonder Land. He was so spell bound by the virtual surreal world of movies that he lost his prudence to decipher both worlds. He held a proud record of seeing DDLJ {Dilwale Dhulaniya Lee Jayange} Nine hundred ninety nine times among his peers and the one thousand’s viewing was post pond till he found his special one and a special occasion with his special one.
Parents, siblings and friends all tried to wake him up to real world, but all went futile. The diehard Rhonda Byrnes Book follower {The secret and the magic} wished his only fantasy, every minute of every hour of every day for one whole year, that one day Universe got so fed up of him that it decided to grant him what he wanted. But at same time everything has a tag price.


Since being the eldest in the family, parents started a bride hunting for him. They actually were successful in their endeavours and found a descent and beautiful girl of the respected family. The boy agreed to marry her without any hustle. They were engaged and were due to marry on the most auspicious year of the day, ‘Akshay Tritiya’ 13th May 2013.
But here comes the twist in the tale. It was four days to go for the wedding that suddenly groom went missing along with the gold and lot of money. The kin smelled a foul play, searched him for days and finally reported to the cops.
The woman of the family fainted, few made visit to emergency unit of nearby hospital.
The family of bride was informed and all hell fell loose on them too. Under the breath, worse was being speculated. As the days passed, the hope of seeing the boy alive started to faint away.

A  WEEK LATER ......

It was exactly a week later, on 20th May the door bell rang in midst of the night. And when the door was opened, there stood that boy. The wave of happiness ran in the whole house but it was short lived , the boy entered with a wife, whom he married on 13th May in a temple at outskirts of Delhi and then they went to their honeymoon in Kullu- Manali.


The girl was none other than a month back appointed sales girl from a very poor family, but she was blessed with exceptional beauty and a very sharp minded. It didn’t take her much time to read the psyche of the colorful boy. She weaved a perfect web and with super duper speed, for days and nights, fatally attracted him, even saw DDLJ with him.
The boy got confused, couldn’t decide whom to choose, his parents selected bride or the woman he dreamed throughout his life.
Finally, he gave up to lust over his family pride and the bewitched by her without giving any damn thought about  his folks, just four days before the marriage ran away with the girl.
The moon started to wean and the money start to bereave the pockets. The honeymoon was over and it was the time for honey to meet the family.


Boy’s family was shocked, they couldn’t believe their ears. It looked all as a nightmare. They knew their son was a fool but they never thought even in their dream that he was the king of fools to take such a sabotaging step and play with his life.
After initial reprimands, they dropped the axe and beret him of the property and wealth of the family. Same midnight, in which he returned, couple of hours later, was dragged out with his beautiful witty wife.
Another person who was shell socked under the stars was the girl. With so much sweat and hard work she got a rich boy under her spell and within days he has been converted to the popper of the streets.
The boy took the girl to his friend’s house and stayed there for two days, but in those days he started to see actual colors of the girl which left the boy shocked. The girl wanted to go back to the in-law house and pressurized boy to do the needful.
The girl’s mother was much more smart then her. She knew that unnecessary fighting won’t lead to a good end. So she came up with a plan.


The plan was that boy would be taken to the girl uncle who would for time being employee him in his firm and whilst the boy could find himself a suitable job. The accommodation was also promised. But this plan was to be kept under covers. The boy was not allowed to call anyone, even his best friend who helped him other night.
The boy smell a rat in it. He was supposed to go the Shadra area but as soon as the car turned towards Dariya Ganj, the boy’s suspicion turned real. He could decipher the actual plan that his new wife and her mother planned to kidnap him and ask for a ransom from his father, for the first time his life he started to use his brain to map an escape.
When they neared a metro station, he excused himself to relieve his nature’s call and as soon as he got an opportunity to step out of the car, he ran away from there.
He only had two rupees in his pocket with which made a call to his friend who came to pick him.


The girl and her mother were left red face when they saw their golden bird flying away in the independent sky.
Now, the girl wanted revenge. Very next day she filed the case against the boy, “An attempt to rape.” Culprits of “Attempt to rape” cases would straight away go behind the bar for twenty years according to new laws.
The police came to the boy’s house and started to harass the family, accusing them for saving the boy by ambushing him and the evidence.
The family was not over one shock that the sky came falling for the second time. They themselves were not aware about the whereabouts of the boy. The family counter filed the complaint against harassment and tried to prove their innocence.
Boy, who was undercover, came to know about the status quo and this time for his family surrendered. He cried in front of his parents and pleaded for help and seeks their forgiveness.
Family is family; they will always stand for each other. The boy’s uncles and cousins collected the evidence against the girl, proving that attempt of rape case was fake as they both were married. The snaps were showed and the priest who married them was called as witness.
The girl’s perjury was confronted. The girl wanted to go back to the in- laws house and the boy wanted a divorce.
But the prudent judge spilled water on their desires. The honorable court ordered the boy to legally marry the girl and they were abide to live together for at least one year, before  they could apply for divorce, in absence of following the judgement he would be subjected to seven years in jail.
On other hand, the girl was restrained to go to in- laws house and would live where ever her husband live.
Finally, they are getting married, this time legally on 13th June, exactly one month after their fake dream wedding. Today is the day for our dream boy but his eyes are red and swelled.


·        High raised eyebrows
·        Outer corned of the lid pointing downward
·        Up turned tip of nose
·        Small, round protruding ears
·        Shiny eyes.


‘’The roses are red, Violets are blue,
   Oh! My darling!  I LOVE YOU”

Think twice before you recite this nursery rhyme in front of anyone.

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