Saturday 6 July 2013



                     LOVE SMITTEN

                                         SERIES 1 {IRRESOLUTE}

Now- a- days, it’s common to have a boyfriend or a girlfriend and it is in trend to frequently change them too. And if you ask them, “How Serious Are you?” They will laugh it off calling it a thing of youth or a fling or just keeping in pace with the modern times.
But what happens when you are love smitten by default in a relationship and over it you are confused about its status?
Answer is simple; you create a hell of the mess


I don’t need to go in detail of what happen when a “hunky boy” meets the “hot dame” It’s the story of every neighborhood. The boy met girl on the first day of college and within couple of days they were an instant hit. Three years in college they became the Romeo and Juliet and a gold standard couple for younger batches. 
The college was over, the golden days wear away. It was the time to have a settled life. Boy asked the girl to wait for two years before he could go to her parents to seek her hand in marriage. The girl approved and the affair continued.
The secret meetings and night calls were there but rare. The affair was aging probably.
For three years the girl waited for the boy to settle and whilst gave so many reasons to postpone the groom hunt for her.

Everyone have a threshold, finally one day the girl superseded it. The boy was in good job now, hence the girl popped the question about marriage as the pressure was mounting over her by her folks.
At first, boy tried to sway away the discussion, but this time girl was all prepared to get an answer.
The damn broke and river of tears start to flow when she heard the boy calling off the relationship because his parents won’t approve this matrimony. He tried to console the girl, but his efforts were futile.
For three months, the girl tried to convince boy to reconsider his decision but the boy was adamant.
Finally, the girl gave away the hope; reconstruct her heart and finally gave a green light to her kin to find a groom for her.
All the ambushed aunties appeared from nowhere and in no time found her the suitable groom. The girl was already broken heart; she was supposed to say only yes.


In no time the girl was engaged to the new boy. She changed her face book status from single to engage and posted few pictures of her engagement.
It was just two days after her engagement that all of a sudden her old flame called. She was surprised but received the call.
And when she heard what the boy said, the earth skipped away from her feet and she felt dizzy, the room started to rotate in front of her eyes and she fell on the bed.
The boy was apologizing and wanted to rekindle their relationship. He told her that he was very confused then and couldn’t think straight. And now the thought of losing her to another man is killing him. He called her the love of his life and swears on God that apart her he won’t marry any girl and in case if the girl refuse him now, he will end his miserful life. He sleeked forgiveness for his irresolution. He was in all tears.
The girl couldn’t understand what to do, therefore she disconnected the call. There were both, bitter and happy feeling but what to express and how to express was a big dilemma.
Two days later the boy’s parents called the girl and pleaded her to arrange their meeting with her parents. The girl at first refused but after their frequent request, she agreed at the end. For the first time, she talked about her affair to her parents. They were petrified. Few moments of silence lead to a great emotional Indian drama.


  High placed eyebrows dividing the forehead in two parts.
 Small Eyes
Outer angle of eyes pointing way downward
Receding chin 
Round and protruding ears
 Always their mouth remains open and they are frequently reminded   to close it. 

        IN THE END

Cutting short all the drama happening between the two families, the decision was made to marry boy and girl in low key wedding. The girl engagement was broken with the new guy.
And finally the train that was derailed came back to its track but at expense of one broken heart (the new guy), although they both apologized to him and called him in their wedding. The new guy obviously gave it a miss.


There are always going to be reasons, but it is life, decide  it fast.

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