Friday 7 June 2013

THE Crimson LIFE

             THE Crimson LIFE

Red is the color of roses and Red is the color of Blood. Red is the color of apple and Red is the color of emergency serine light beeping endlessly on an Ambulance.
Our lives fluctuate between the spectrum of crimson, sometimes taking us to extremes of ecstasy or abyss of distress. Whatever it is, it’s just a crimson life.


She was born as a very lucky girl, nicknamed as “SHREE” {Name of goddess of fortune according to Hindu mythology}The day she was born, all the debts and losses her family was suffering miraculously turned upward down. The family which was going in hellish dooms, resurfaced again and the money started to shower like rain.
As she grew up and started going to school, she became the star because of her phenomenal memory power. Whatever she did, she excelled in all the endeavors. She also became used to all the limelight and worked more hard to keep collecting laurels to her name.
She took medicine as subject of preference but end up excelling in accounts. She was so brilliant that where ever she went, she was selected above the crowd without any second thought.
It was in college that she met a very tall, slightly dark, very intelligent and handsome young man. You call it love at first sight or made for each other couple, they were an instant hit. Days of the college life was approaching the dusk when the boy proposed the girl and she said ‘yes’.
The boy was from the lower middle class family and the girl from upper class. After the little hustle from the girl’s side, her parents finally settled for the boy’s smartness.
The boy at that time was in government job and with that golden luck; definitely the lady was not going to sit quiet. With a rented one room accommodation she started a coaching institute and at same time she convinced her husband to give little time after his office timing. To conserve money, she used to utilize sunlight over artificial light to make her notes. For two hours every day, she sat in the park investing time for her future business project.
She is a luck magnet, and as it was quiet predictable the couple got success very soon. The boy quit his job and started to invest whole and sole time to their coaching institute.
Meanwhile, on family front, she gave birth to two boys subsequently in four year.
There were the perfect couple, perfect family, and perfect business duo and in the most flawless relationship for an onlooker......


Though, it seemed as a fairy tale for first time listener, but the reality was quiet different. The ‘ego’ was the major culprit in their relationship. Their difference started from the very next day of the success of their first business venture.

The boy couldn’t tolerate his limelight attracting wife and the feeling of worthlessness started to germinate inside him. How hard he tried to make his point or prove his worth but the lady with the luck would effortlessly come up with a better plan complacent to their needs.
You call it jealousy or bigotry of manhood, he started to act differently, which was first ignored by his wife but later on it became intolerable for her to bear his morbific behavior. It started as first parting their business and then followed by various unworthy accusation from both side and finally ending up in the extra martial affair of the boy.
It was too much for woman to take, and after giving her husband various chances for improvement she finally filed a divorce. Husband, at first, tried to reconcile with sugar coated word but when saw his golden bird struggling to fly away, came up on full vendetta.
He tried to scare her and for hours enlighten her with the cons of a single mother with two kids. But this time the woman was like a hurt lioness, not ready to fall for the rubbish.
For years their divorce case went on in the court and finally after two years she got a divorce. The woman and her two kids required no one, they could manage their own and as a team they could face any evil of the world.
The boy was furious, he tried to destroy the lady business and was quiet successful in sweeping away her clientele. Next, he spread the bad word about her to an extent that their acquaintances started to maintain distance from the lady, later on got married for the second time and disowned his children from his life, his love and his will.


Lord Krsna says to Arjun in Bhagvad Gita “O Son of Kunti, the non-permanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons. They arise from sense perception scion of Bharata and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed.” Bhagvad Gita 2.14             
“It’s all the perception” she thought after reading this shloka from Bhagvad Gita. So she shed down all the fear of slander and resuscitated herself like the Phoenix Bird.
The things started to look bright again. She signed the deal with one of the premier institute and regained back the name of her institute. Further, she joined the religious society and took the oath of renunciation. She cut short her expenses and with the savings and a bank loan took a big land which is now her full fledged coaching institute and in couple of years she again sweep the whole trade.
In the end, if you question her how she could manage to do this magnanimous job single handed. “Oh! Because Krsna says, it’s all in perception.”     



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