Sunday 16 June 2013


              WHITE  ELEPHANT

Economical use of money is the example of prudence. Being a miser or a spend thrift, will either get you audacious nomenclature or bring you only good time friends respectively. But what happens when you actually screw up the things on an impulse? Answer is just one single word – Disaster
Here is one such story of “Disaster” by a very impulsive and compulsive spend thrift which in literary world are coded as “WHITE ELEPHANT”.


This happened couple of years ago. The lady in her early thirties, married to a government employee and settled with two kids, had a so called normal life. But our protagonist never ever settles for ‘normal’, she always wanted spice in her life, therefore she wanted to abandon her housewife tag and incarnate into Avatar of Business woman. She invested her five years saving into artificial Jewellery Business. She took a shop on rent and on one auspicious day, started her business in all the zeal.

As a rule every business requires time to bloom and definitely would have initial teething problems, but at that time it is said “THE PATIENCE IS THE BIGGEST VIRTUE.”But not for our lady, couple of months down the line, she became bore ,sitting ideal whole day , moreover it became difficult for her to shuttle between the household chores and business calling, as a result she became irregular to her work place and finally when the account sheet started shouting losses, she decided to drop an axe on her, once so much hyped Business, shop was closed ,jewellery was either sold at half price or was used as gifts to her acquaintances on various occasion for next six months.
Only a meager account of her investment was recovered and rest was washed away in drain.


Year after the business debacle, she was again bored being laid back in home. This time she became a health freak. She joined the Gym. This time she promised herself that she would be economical in her spending, therefore she just paid for one month Gym classes.
After one month hard work, she was ecstatic to lose few inches from her body. This elation clouded her wisdom again and in an impulse paid for one whole year.         
Following the weight loss diet and excessive pumping and sweating in gym with dreams of size ‘zero’ wardrobe couldn’t be prolonged more than three months. Her body couldn’t bear and gave up in mid-way. Each and every bone, muscle, cartilage and ligament in her body started to ache and finally the gym idea was also vexed.

She asked for refund or adjustment but that was against the policy of endowment. She thought to go light over her body and joined aerobic classes but she end up paying for the classes which she never could attend again.


Once you fall, you learn, twice you fall you learn, but if each time you fall and you owe never to learn, the consequences could be sabotaging.

Last year, near Diwali she thought to dump her old house and find a new and well furnished house in better locality. The only problem selling old house was that it was not free hold, but there were hot rumors in air that government would soon be passing law to freehold the properties in her area.

She thought that all stars are in her favor. She couldn’t let her dream house slide away from her hand. The plan was to give token money for new property and then she will have three months to pay rest of the money and by the time she would get her old property free hold and sell it away.

Five lakhs bucks exchanged hands near auspicious day of the year. It is said, deals made on Diwali never fails, only condition applied is that you should be smart enough to weigh all the pro’s and con’s. Three months later, her bank account showed a huge debit amount of five lakh which she stared while sitting on the chair in her non-free hold old house.


Marked sign of prudence in economical management is seen under the chin, at proximity of beginning of neck {also called sub-menti area}.
 ‘White Elephants’ have totally flat muscles under the chin, contrary to misers who have dewlaps hanging down their chin.


“Every scar have lesson to teach,
  but punch is, learn the lesson.”

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