Wednesday 6 March 2013



In today’s world the only thing that matters is the money, money and money. No relationship, no friendship and no humanity are worth than the crackling sound of the currency bills. There are different ways to gather money some are classified under morel and some are classified under guile. The money earned through deceit and fraud is astute ways which are famous in this Yuga of Kali. But the question arises to which extent can a person go for it?


The old fragile figure of the woman climbed slowly the steep stairs of the bank in which the pension money of her dead husband is deposited every month which she uses for her modest survival. Although all her bank work is done by her grandson but once a year she have to drift her frail body to the bank to give the proof of her living so that the money keeps on coming and today was the day to show her off.

She was dropped by her grandson on the gates of the bank and he went away for some errands to return to pick her after half an hour. She was always in praise for her grandson who took so much care of her.

She reached the main desk to complete formalities of paper work; she thought that since she is here why not check the amount in her account. When the amount was revealed she couldn’t believe, she got it checked thrice and at last it was confirmed that computer was making no error.   

Luckily she brought her pass book which she immediately got completed. To her shock there was twice the amount of money debited from her account than what she asked for. There was only one person who managed her accounts and it was her grandson. The whole picture was in crystal clear in front of her.


Small eyes

Small gap between the both eyes

Eyebrows running in proximity of each other

Pointed chin

Dramatic jaw {the jaw angles just before terminating in chin}

Pointed nose, with the tip of nose pointing downwards

Marked or slight protruding cheeks

Look for the dark black, bulgy, remarkable size mole on the face


The lady was angry and shocked. She couldn’t believe how could her grandson, to whom she raised with love and so much care could do that to her. She won’t give away easy. She returned home with her grandson without giving him the faintest hint that she had just catch hold of his con schemes.

Two days later she called her grandson that she wanted some money from the bank and requested him to do the needful. She asked her to go now as she required the money immediately. As the very obedient grandson he reckoned his granny’s request and left.

Meanwhile the lady called her daughter and asked her to meet in front of the bank. She asked her not to ask any question and strictly not call anybody, just be there. Her daughter reached the decided place, only to find her mother ambush behind the tree. She joined her mother befuddled by her gimmicks. The granny didn’t say a word and gestured her to be patient.

Couple of minutes later they saw the target entering the bank, as he climbed the stairs, both ladies followed him up. He went to the desk and withdrew the money from his granny’s account and then he left without smelling a rat. It was a common procedure for him.

When they were sure he has left the bank premises granny along with her daughter revealed themselves to the accountant and asked for him the details of the money withdrawn and asked him to give in writing to them. The daughter was clueless but still her heart could sense something odd as it kept on fluttering frequently.

They both went home and eagerly waited for the man to come and handover money to the lady. It was then she told her daughter about the deeds of her son. She couldn’t believe what she told and argued her. Granny asked her to wait as the truth will be revealed shortly.

The boy came and handover only half the money withdrawn from the bank to the granny. He still didn’t sense anything wrong even seeing his mother there.

“Thaa”, echoed the noise in that silence room, when the mother hit the boy. With tears in her eyes she felt disappointment and embarrassment because of him.

The boy was caught red hand stealing from the granny. He promised that he will pay back her deficit money. Anyways the smart granny was not going to fall for it again, she not only restricted him from his bank accounts even disowned him from her will. The boy till date has return ten thousand rupees, seventy thousand still remaining to be paid back.


“What  goes  around  definitely  comes  around”

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