Sunday 24 March 2013



It is believed that there is the city which is made totally of gold, called Elerado. Some says that it is mere fiction but few have fables to brag about it as if some of their ancestors have been there in the past. There have been various search missions to find this missing city which got hidden during the evolution of the earth. Till now all efforts have been futile and so many researchers have faded without any preconisation of their efforts.


Fifty years back, when DDA {Delhi development authority} were allotting plots to people, one man so adamant to have one, filled in the form, although his pocket being financially constrained. By luck he was allotted one in Kalkaji area, that time totally rustic area, now one of the posh colonies of Delhi with a very high circle rate.

Going into back flash again, he seek help from his wife’s brother to fulfill the deficit amount. So as per the agreement it was decided both the parties put equal halves and attained fifty fifty percent rights to the property. Five years later, the man whose original idea was to bring the plot had enough amount to get the property in his name, so he asked his brother-in-law to take the money and give him the full rights to the property. He was ready to give him the raise rate of property, he even offered that he could put an interest to the principle amount and it would be fine for him to pay back that.

But till then there was the news in market that sooner or later the rate will be sky high and who so ever have the property there would definitely strike gold. The brother-in-law couldn’t miss the golden opportunity and he backed up from the agreement. The man asked him to pay him the money with interest and enjoy the whole property. But he was not even willing to shell out extra amount, he asked for the settlement of five years back rate.

It was outrageous and this couldn’t be accepted. The relationship became sour between once closely related families. The elders of the family sat to resolve the conflict between them, but they reached no solution. No amount could be decided for settlement.

The man became so angry that he decided to take a legal action against his brother-in-law. The wife couldn’t accept the matter of family to go to court, so she requested, pleaded and cried in front of her husband not to do such a thing. Seeing the piteous cries of his wife, he became silent for a while but still held the grudge in the heart.

Ten years passed since then. His wife became seriously ill now. The doctors had given up on her condition. Family accepted the news and were preparing themselves for her demise. On the death bed, lady asked her husband her last wish, which he somehow had intuition of. She asked her again and again that after she has gone, he should maintain a peaceful relationship with her brother and should not ever drag him to the court of law. He promised, but still his wife died with the doubt in her heart.

After the thirteen day of her death, the man sends the legal notice to his brother-in-law. It’s been thirty five years since the battle have been fought in the court of law for the golden piece of land.

The battle had gone ugly with false accusation, bad names and sometimes it was too close to get violent. The legal battle went on and on, and it was so prolonged that the both opponents died before reaching a conclusion. Their further progenies carried on the ugly battle.

And finally the decision of the court was out which shocked both parties.


Slightly protruding upper jaw, in certain cases excessive protruding upper lips

Appreciable Spacing between the teeth

Slightly raised surface of the side of the nose above the nostrils

Outer angle of the eyes slightly bowed downwards


Suddenly there came in the third opponent claiming the rights of the disputed property, so strong that opponent that court couldn’t refuse it and neither could appeal in the higher court.

The opponent was DDA itself who claimed that the land was to be taken back for the government development project and both parties was given half of the decided circle rate, which was meager amount compared to the amount that all was already been spent on the thirty five years old battle.

What was left after walking the fantasy road of Elerado was the bitter relationship and big shame.


In the fight between two cats, there always comes a monkey who gets the key advantage.

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