Sunday 17 March 2013


                             “NAME SAKE”

Shakespeare said, “What’s kept in name”. But as a matter of fact I opt to differ. When a child is born in a Hindu family, there is a name giving ceremony. Priests presiding over the ceremony do their astrological calculation and take out the alphabets from which the child is then named from and definitely the child lives with that name throughout life and trying to live up to that name.

But have you thought that sometimes a wrong name can change anything in the life. It’s a mere superstition or it has some divine deeper interventions. Well I have three examples.  


According to Hindu mythology, long back ago there were two sisters Aditi and Ditti. It is so believed from Aditi came all the demigods and from Ditti came all the demons. So it is common to come across the name Aditi and never Ditti, but I was contradicted when I started treating a three years old girl named Ditti, two years back. Oh! My god, she was a complete menace. She used to distraught my clinic from its basic anatomy and when stopped from doing that her atrocious cry would be so harsh that it felt that it would deaf me and my all patient. I preferred to see her first to save everyone from the dreadful miseries bestowed by the little monster.

She was same at home and so at school. It was her teacher who was first to point out the error in her name and advice her mother to change it, otherwise she will always be a problematic child. Her mother consulted me and I told her to change the name was her call and I can’t have any opinion about it, but I could help her daughter by treating her behavioral disturbances.

She agreed for the treatment and after six- seven months she started to shunt from hyperactive mode to more stabilize demure. I was happy that she was doing good, that one day while giving her the consultation, I called her name Ditti. The little girl was surprised and said that now no one calls her with that name. Her mane is now Harsha. When I looked towards her mother for a conformation, she smiled and told me that she have changed her daughter’s name to Harsha, which means happiness.

 I was shocked and asked her when it happened and she replied six or seven months back.


They are orthodox Hindu family from West Bengal and one peculiar thing about their family is that all the kids in their family are named from letter B. They eldest member of their family is a ninety five years old man who is still a priest in the famous temple of their area. He believes that if the coming generation in his family will be named from B, no ill could ever affect them and in case if the rule will be broken all hell would break loose on the offender.

The eldest of the family married a very open minded woman, who didn’t believe in all these superstition. When her first daughter was born, she was named according to the family tradition as Bhumi, meaning mother earth. The daughter –in –law was new at that time so she couldn’t have a say in naming her first child and more or less she liked the name. But four years later when her second daughter was born she couldn’t accept her being named Bharvie, the goddess of death and she revolted and named her differently from other letter. She named her Pratibha, meaning the one with immense talent.

Her second’s girl childhood was little crappy. She was always sick with some or other petty thing. Her grandfather again warns against the consequences, but his voice felt on deaf years. When the girl turned sixteen she started to have fits. The fits were sudden and she started screaming and crying without any reason. And after couple of minutes when it got over she couldn’t remember what she has gone through.

MRI, CT scan, EEG, Brain mapping, hormonal assessment, all was normal and nothing abnormal could be diagnosed in her case. Petit mal epilepsy, TIA{transient ischemic attack}, etc all were rule out in her case, but why that was happening, allopath had no answer at all. Her grandfather again repeated the warning. Since the attack had no fixed pattern, neither there was aura before it; to put her on allopathic drugs were out of question.

She was some referral case. I saw the video recording of her attack and they were the most pitiful screams I have ever heard. I took the case, started the treatment and she started to show improvement. At first the frequency reduced and it’s been a quiet a time since that attack. Two months back I stopped her treatment and till now what I hear is that she is doing fine, preparing for her medical entrance exam, surprisingly without a change in the name.


Four year boy who is a regular visitor to my clinic, at the rate of, at least two emergency visits and four regular follow ups visit every month. His name was Pratham Kohli, his name meaning the one who comes first. And keeping the pace with his name, he was the first one to enter my clinic influenced by the weather changes. Severe case of Maxillary sinusitis with allergic rhinitis, sneezing all his way to my clinic. The parents were very disappointed by his frequently falling sick.

It so happened one day that the granny took the boy to an astrologer and a very shocking fact, in fact the blunder was revealed by him. He said, it’s all in the name, he has been wrongly named and this is the reason for all his miseries and to put a full stop to it, they need to change his name. And the family feared the prediction of the pious man and changed the boy’s name from Pratham to Ankush, which means complete stop.

Next time the boy came to me, he was Ankush Kohli, surprisingly, surprisingly and surprisingly, since that day he became less sick and his visits to my chamber reduced rating up to two in a month or sometimes he was absent for couples of month.

His latest PNS X-RAY, showed a clear maxillary space and reduction in the size of his adenoids, the reason behind his alternate sneezing and nose block with high grade fever at every change of weather.

It’s all in name the granny chuckled last time when she came with the boy for his follow up examination, contradicting Shakespeare.


Big protruding eyes

High arched eyebrows as if dividing the forehead equally in two parts

Sparse hairs in eyebrows

The tip of the eyebrow quiet far away from tthe outer angle of the eyes

Protruding round ears


The power of name is here truly explained.

Seven centuries before Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, preached the power in chanting the lords name and stressed on chanting HARI-NAM MAHAMANTRA.

He weighed on the fact that

“ hari narmo, hari narmo, hari narmo eva ca kevalam,
Kalo nastev, nastev, nastev, gattiranthamam”

“Only chanting the krsna’s name, krsna’s name and only krsna’s name in this age kali, will nullify, nullify and nullify the affect of this age and deliver us to salvation.”

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