Sunday 31 March 2013


                      BUDDHA’S FOUR HORSES

Life teaches us lessons each and every day, some of us lean it easy way and some us have to go a whole road down to grab our piece of share, but at the end of the day we all learn. What matters is that whether or not we have learned it in time. It is best explained by Buddha’s four horses.
The first hoarse learns his lessons of riding as the process of growing up, like from birth only he understood what his goal for this humble life was.
The second horse learns his lesson by seeing the other horse being trained in the stable.
The third one learns when his neighbor horse is being trained, just in front of him and the fourth and the last hoarse only learns when the rider sits on him and wimp him with a stick.
Actually, at the end, it’s our choice which horse we become.


At certain point of our life, we all get confused about the choices we make for our future. It may be the career choices, job choices, relationship choices, etc, etc and at that time we seek people’s advice that they at that time look so wise to advice us and sometimes we blindly follow them. Sometimes it turns out good for us and sometimes well, I don’t know where we end.

I, myself, never ever had a fantasy of holding a stethoscope around my neck or being a person from the field of science. But it all happened by default. It was maternal uncle, so adamant to make the eldest kid of the family to be doctor and he imposed that decision on me. At that time I was angry, bit revolting but later on I went with the flow and end up being a doctor. Well, I don’t say I regret it now; in fact it turned out to be one of the best thing universe had to offer me. But no one after me, neither my sister nor my cousin linage took medicine as their subject. I feel unique and good.

Sometimes we have to leave it on other to decide.

What I experienced ten years back is being experienced by lots of students now and among the lots, few come to me to decide for themselves and here is the story of one such girl I write here.


She is a very bubbly girl but little lazy {she will debate with me that she wasn’t and sometimes got angry from me to call her lazy} who came to me in 2o11 for the treatment for certain ailment and we started out well. She was in her 12th standard at that time and was confused what to take ahead as a career choice. Only two options that people thought for her were either CA {charted accountant} or CS {company secret ate}, and she couldn’t point out what is best for her. She asked me the same question what to do. I told her do, what she wanted to do. Since I am not the accounts person, she started to recapitulate statistics in front of me; I cut her in between and again asked her what she wants. She thought for a while and told me that although her interest is in being a CS, but people say CA is better.

Well I told her my pet story. Once upon a time so happened, there were two brothers, one of them studied very hard and the other one was least interested in studying and all he did was to play, play and play. The first brother being studious one had decided goal for his life and he knew how much he have to work hard for it, contrarily the other one gave no heed about future and always took easy way, listening to the people. They grew up together in same school and same home environment being treated equally, but one became a CS and the other couldn’t even get through his graduation, he didn’t even attempted to clear it and again relying on people to decide for him the easy way, end up opening a small departmental store, where he sat whole day killing time and taking home the meagre earning of the day. What people say, what is the easy way, which he opted, made his life come at the standstill and as rule stagnant water gives nothing but unpleasant effluvia and same thing happened in his life. Frustration piled up and made him angry with himself and everybody.

On other hand the  brother who became a CS, got a good paying government job in income tax department, which he did for a while and then gave up to start his CS couching institute. It started from a scratch and slowly transformed it good profit generating business house. Today the CS brother holds a big business building and various properties in different part of capital and is now on the verge for more expansion as he is soon launching his satellite classes. The difference being that he decided for him. Maybe, initially he also fell, took risk giving up his job, had teething problem establishing a new business venture but at all time he didn’t took the easy path or what people told him, all he did was all he wanted to do.


Bright and shiny eyes

Broad forehead

Slightly or remarkably convex nose

Sharp tip of nose pointing downward

Broad chin


Outer angle of eye drooping downward

Small forehead

Concave nose with blunt tip

Small chin pointing forward  


The girl was lot of inspired by the story. Shed away her laziness and instantly decided what she have to do. Scored excellently in her 12th standard board exam and took up CS coaching. Recently I got her message that she is enjoy doing her CS and is very happy with her decision and her results were awesome, scoping her out in the cream of the group.


As Shakespeare said, “all wells that ends well”

But the hunch here is we need to start with, “all wells”.

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