Wednesday 27 February 2013



Every time when the whisker falls on our cheeks and when ever noticed, the reflex action is to keep it on the back of the closed fist and wish and blow. Isn’t it an easy way to get whatever we want?

Long back I heard a story in which a man found a bottle on the shores of the river and opened it carelessly and alas! There pops out the genie from the bottle. He said, “Master! I grant you three wishes and then I will be free to go. Ask very judiciously because what once you say can’t be undone and in case you have nothing to ask then you can free me now.”

“Jackpot”, thought the man. He was not foolish to let go the genie like that, but at the same time he needed to consult her wife before seeking three wishes. His wife was very happy to hear what her husband had found; this would definitely change their lives forever. She immediately uttered the first wish, “I want money, lots of money walking in through my door.” “Are you sure?” asked the genie. Affirmative was the reply.

Their door knocked and when they open it there was the soldier carrying a bill of one million from the government of the country as the compensation for their son who died while fighting the enemies. His body was cremated in the battlefield as it was his last wish. The man and the woman were shocked and inconsolable.

When the officer went away, the lady started to shout on the genie and calling her names and how could he do such a horrendous thing to them and without thinking uttered her second wish, “I want my son back”. Genie again asked for the reassurance to their wish and was reckoned.

Again there was a knock on the door. The lady leapt out to open the door. The man was cautious and peeped out of the window. He was horrified to see the bare skeleton of their son knocking at their door. He immediately closed the half opened door and breathlessly wished the third and the last wish that they want their son to go away.

Hence completing his terms and conditions the genie was free to go. 


Couple of years back I had a patient who could cry without any damn logical or explainable reason. Any random morning she got up feeling low and then suddenly the gush of water left her eyes margins pouring down her cheeks and whenever she had that attack there was no stopping at all.

I took her detail case and it was then known that the feeling of lowness was just a covert to the feeling of worthlessness which was also well evinced in her dreams. She always have the dreams of swimming alone in water and not finding any shore or dreams of alone on the hill top. According to Sigmund Freud concept these depicts the hidden insecurities in the subconscious brain which become activated during sleep.

Well propagating further about her history, I came to know that her husband was a software engineer in a multinational company and was posted in America for a project. She and her only son joined her there. They lived there for couple of years before moving back to India. She was very happy there, but since they have come back these crying attacks have been frequent, though her in-laws are good and she had as such no restrictions to follow her heart. But still the water flow couldn’t be stopped.

While treating her I came to know that maybe back of her mind she was feeling insecure as her back there in America she received an undivided attention of her husband as compared to here, moreover after doing so much household chores there was persistent feeling of worthlessness and probably these were the cause of her abrupt tears.

I treated her and counsel her, though the frequency of the attacks reduced to minimal but still once in a blue moon she had them or they were sometimes triggered by watching some emotional movie. Finally I reduced her medicine and ultimately terminated it when I felt she was fine.

For two years I haven’t seen her till couple of days back when she returned to my clinic. After initial greetings I asked her how she was and to which she replied that she was fine and was here to take his son medicine. I asked her about her crying episodes to which she gave me a deep sign.

Last two years were the worst years of her life she told me. It so happened that due to recession her husband lost the job and was jobless for long time which drained out their savings. When he got the job, the salary package was very less and because of which they have to cut short their expenses, consequently shifted their son to different low fees school. She took up some low paying part time job just to fund her finances. The condition was so bad that they have to sell off their big house and shift into smaller one.

I was shocked to hear that within two years the things have so drastically changed. She concluded saying that earlier she used to cry without reason and wanted thrill and wished for the change in her life and see the god granted her the wish and now when the things have actually gone wrong the tears have stopped coming out and there is new struggle and adventure each and every day. How much she craved back her early monotonous life back and she knows very well the things can’t change now to back.

There is no rewind button in life and neither there is any fast forward one, hence whatever we wish for, we don’t know how it is going to end up being and hence the best strategy is to NEVER TO WISH


Big eyes

Eyebrows highly placed as if dividing the forehead equally in two parts

Round and protruding ears

Receding chin

Little muscle filling in side of the nose

Little protruding upper lip


Even in BHAGVAD GITA Lord Krsna have also warned us not to wish and be transcendental to all worldly material desires, because at the end of the life whatever our thoughts and wishes are that is the birth we get in our next life. Giving a simple example, if a person die with the feeling of revenge he is bound to get a body of the animal whose dominant psyche is hatred and revenge like a wolf, scorpion, etc etc. 

“purusah prakrti-stho hi bhunkte prakrti-jan gunan
karanam guna-sango ‘sya sad-asad-yoni-janmasu”


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