Sunday 10 February 2013



According to Greek myth there was this very handsome boy named Narcissus, once so happened that he was on the long journey and while passing along the water stream he felt thirsty and hence to quench it he went near the riverbed. As he bended to take water he saw his reflection in water and was instantly overwhelmed with adoration of himself that he even forget to drink water. He sat there staring at his own reflection for days and days. It was like that he have been bewitched by a spell that except looking in water he couldn’t see or hear or even feel his body’s basic needs. He sat there just staring and only staring till his eyes finally closed at death.

Sometime later a very beautiful flower appeared over there where he died and since then that flower have been named Narcissus.  Narcissus is a genus of bulbous plants having strap like leaves and flowers with central, tubular crown.


She was considered to be the most beautiful woman of her time. Fairest of skin, flawless casing and deep brown eyes and long black hairs. Every man that crossed eyes over her wanted her to be with him. She was too used to all the compliments and stares and in fact she secretly enjoyed all the attention though she pretended she was sick of it.

She never ever gave any heeds to the proposals she got and thought that if she waits patiently sooner or later she will find herself a perfect match who can competed her in might. Her parents worked hard day and night to find her daughter so called MR PERFECT, but who so ever they found or whatever his credibility’s were, their daughter always found something wrong in them and straight away refused.

She believed patience bears the ripe fruits. She was even warned by one of the boy from the list of perspective grooms, that if she kept on looking she won’t ever be satisfied and by the time she would realize her mistake time would have taken its toll. But she thought that it’s what looser says.

Her outer beauty was overfilling her heart with pride and slowly and slowly because of it, she was inwardly turning into a beast, who no one likes when they actually come to know about.


She is sixty six years old now and still a spinster. She couldn’t found anyone equivalent to her match. And as the prophecy was, the time took its toll and finally the old age started making inroads on once the fairest of fair one. Her parents gave up long back on finding her a groom and years back gave up on life too.

Though she have a government job taking care of all her finances, though she have a big house in which she lives, though she have big car which she drives to her workplace, but at the end of the day she is lonely with no one with whom she could share her deep feelings.

She sits there gazing at the mirror finding company in her own reflection thinking if she would have said “YES” just once, her life would have been different. Just one damn yes was what that was needed. She sits there gazing at the mirror knowing that she could only find solace and company only in death, and she awaits that while gazing at the mirror.


God can bless a person with one of the or in permutation and combination of all the six opulence’s, naming, beauty, wealth, wisdom, knowledge, power and renunciation. Anyone who is blessed with them are considered lucky by the others but in certain cases these gifts are so much manipulated that it instead of making the one outstanding, it drags it to the doors of inferno.

Narcissism is the worst case scenario for the gift of beauty bestowed by almighty.


Dimples on face and chin

Appreciable length of upper lip

Appreciable muscle fillings between two eyebrows

Protruding chin



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