Thursday 14 February 2013



Today is the day of love according to western culture and co-incidentally declared as the auspicious day by Hindu priest according to their Vedic calculations and hence there are fourteen thousand marriages only in Delhi.

But the question arises what is the best gift you can think to give to your love one on this Valentine’s Day?


She was born in the small town of Utter Pradesh, Barely. When she was five her father died and with lots of difficulties her mother brought her up. When she was twenty years old, she was married to a man in Ghaziabad, a suburb of Delhi.

She thought may be now her life will change and whatever amount of modest happiness she deserve she will get now. But it was total irony of the life, her husband turned out to be a debauch. All he did was to get himself drunk and gamble whole day and didn’t work. Their expenses were taken care by the rental income coming from their agriculture land.

Two years later the couple had a very cute baby boy. The woman thought may be the time have arrived that will reverse the bad luck and bring her due share of happiness. But her husband didn’t change.

Further two years passed and her husband became severely sick. The doctors in the suburb gave up on his case and he was shifted to Delhi for the treatment. Her brother-in-law lived in Delhi and he took care of the expenses for the treatment of his brother. But since the man was diagnosed with the complicated liver cirrhosis, the treatment expenses became to rise. All the property and the agriculture land of the village were sold for his treatment, but all went in vein as the man succumbed to his vices.

At the young age of twenty five she was a widow with a four year old son beside her. She have given up on the life that it would ever bring her any happiness. She lived with the family of his brother-in-law as she has nowhere else to go.


She never thought that she would ever get an opportunity to start over again and in fact she have accepted and adapted to her circumstances. But one day something unexpected happened. There was a marriage proposal for her by a very rich, tall, fair, handsome bachelor boy in there distant acquaintance.

It was not like that the girl is of very exceptional beauty or possess any ancestral money, in reality at the age so young she had the wrinkles of sorrow lodged on her face and was living in sheer poverty making both ends meet together with all the difficulties of the world. It was her golden heart and the best of the demure that attracted that handsome boy towards her and he wished to change her life by making her, his better half.

And today on this Valentine’s Day the boy married the girl and took her and her son away to the world of happiness in his shining, gleaming white Honda City which was decorated with red roses and purple orchids.

Finally the girl got her happily ever after.

NOTE – it seemed like a story of any bollywood flick but this is a true story and I am as shocked as any of my readers would be that this could ever happen in the real world! Their marriage took place today on this Valentine day.

Best gift you can ever give to your love one is to give them their well deserved “happily ever after”.


Well arched and full upper lips

Moist and full lower lips

Big and wide eyes and generally dilated pupils on looking at the loved ones


Celebrate it in its true sense, HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY

1 comment:

  1. here is a story by mann oberio

    After reading ur story I recalled a real incident dat happened to my brother’s friend “Ankit”.
    He (Ankit) and his girlfriend (Suchi) both were in love deeply.
    Since girl was from different caste the boy’s parents didn’t approve d relation & ankit had no guts to go against them. Time moves on & both got married to their respective patners but destiny was not kind to both of them.
    Suchi’s husband was a pervert , he had a lot of extra-maritial affairs . the marriage didn’t last long & within a year Suchi filed divorce .
    At other side Ankit has not able to accept his bride ,may b Suchi is still in his mind , they lives apart , their marriage is just on cards. He still feels guilty for what he did to Suchi, he must hv shown some courage.
    But life never remain d same , the God seems to hv showered his blessings on Suchi , she got happily married to a very affluent businessman from Gujrat, the guy is from her jiju’s family friend circle . I wonder what he saw in Suchi ,may b her simplicity worked for her. Now she is living life of pride,honour and respect that she deserved .
    I wish Ankit’s life will b back on track and goes on happily thereafter
