Wednesday 6 February 2013


          VANITY KILL’S

Once upon a time we all souls used to live happily with our father, the almighty lord. Few of us, nasty ones, saw god enjoying all the luxuries and became envious of him. So they decided among themselves that they will go and talk to the god about it. They went to talk to god and demanded their own dwelling place where they could enjoy as god enjoys. They want to have a proprietorship over things. God tried to explain them that they won’t be able to manage alone therefore they need to give away the idea. But those souls were determined and finally lord give up to their obstinacy, not because he is weak, because like a loving and dotting father he gave up to his kids demands.

God made earth and put those souls there to enjoy. But see what have happened, instead of enjoying we have entangled ourselves into the abyss of never ending sufferings and yet we haven’t learned our lesions and instead of finding way back to god’s abode, we still can’t abandon the vanity derived from our false ego.


The woman in her early sixties was a retired government officer, living alone in a posh society. Her husband died long back, her daughters married and her son settles abroad, with whom she spent six months every year till her tourist visa expires and then she used to come back to India and get it renewed to go there again with her son.

She was back from her visit to her son. It took her couple of days to get things in order and get her visa renewed. She was supposed to leave again after two months stay in India. So for two months she hired a woman in her early thirties to do the basic cleaning and household chores. She didn’t got her verified from the police station as she wanted her for two months and the lady worked in the nearby shop and earlier also she has worked in her house.

The whole day her household helper stayed with her listening to her and her fancy stories of foreign land and how well her son is established over there and god have been very kind to them as the money is pouring like a heavy rain over their home. She bragged about her bank balance in front of her maid. She took pride in each and everything expensive she brought and displayed it vividly, latest to join her list were the big LED television, the high power AC, two brand new Blackberry phones last but not the least four diamond sets.

So when she started there was no end to the details of things that she brought. It was like feeding her ego {False ego according to Bhagvad Gita, it is explained that we humans are superior energy of the lord hence we are bound to have ego, but when we start to establish our proprietorship over the materialistic things which are considered to be the inferior energy of the lord, we develop FALSE EGO} and her only way to make her happy. People have different ways that they adopt themselves to keep happy and the lady adopted this one, which seemed pretty harmless way.


Her pretty harmless hobby became a curse for her and led to her untimely and brutal end. Her house hold helper along with her boyfriend and his two associates broke into her house robbed it and strangled her to death. The LED television high quality volume when put to the highest acted as the curtains concealing what was happening to her from her neighbors. The Blackberry couldn’t be used by her to call for her help, her brand new AC couldn’t provide her with enough air when she was being smothered and strangulated and her brand new diamond sets were the last leash to encourage the dormant monster of lust in the heart of her helper.

The things that she purchased with her own very hands to make her happy and comfortable were the same one which catalyzed to her untimely death.


Big and shiny eyes

Dimpled chin

Dimples in the cheek

Flat sub manti area {area below the chin}



1 comment:

  1. More money is not the problem you can still live grounded with more money ,
    Problem is in the morality of that lady she has superego
    her belief is that she is living her heyday and publically advertising it
    (wt u r sharing nd with who u r sharing matters )
    Whole world is facing money problems (capital crises)
    An estimated 30,000 children die each day due to poverty
    That is 18 children a minute; a child every 3 seconds
    Less money or no money is the problem
