Wednesday 21 November 2012


                       LUST AND WRATH

Today’s world is being degraded by the two biggest evil of mankind LUST AND WRATH, warned by Lord Krsna five thousand years back. Newspapers all over the world are filled with stories of bloody battles of the lust and the wrath from time unknown, which have the potential to baffle and shock the commoners like us.

May Lord save this world, amen.



In human face the most decisive signs are found in head, eyes, ear, nose, jaw and mouth.

·      A thick, heavy upper eye lids, which discloses a large surface area while the eye is open, giving the sleepy look, is a very noticeable sign of this trait. This sign is observed mainly in oriental races.

·      Another sign is shown by fullness and breadth of the sides of nose just above the nostril.

·      The high-arched, convex or hooked nose, resembling the bird of prey, is another sign of commercial rapacity, as well as the love of over coming’s one enemy or of removing obstacles in the way of glory, fame or learning.

·      Wide, predaceous jaw and large mouth, and head wide above the ears are also evidence of commercial acquisitiveness. Most of the bankers, financier and money kings have very large; full, round foreheads and large round stocky frames.

·      The hands go out at the sides as if grasping something. This is caused by the constant effort of the extensors muscles of hand and arm reaching forward as if to seize something. This moment arises from the dominant idea of getting, and all the outward shapes which body and limbs assume, if long continued, reveal the dominant impulse within.


·      A long, broad, thick chin is found in rude, harsh, proud and violent person.

·      Disproportionally small and thin lips, or else greatly exaggerated in size. Often the two lips are unequal in size. Often the two lips are unequal in size and the line of closure irregular, crooked at one side or raised up or lowered at one corner or by some irregular shape.

·      A mouth whose lower lips curve downwards or outward, just where the canine teeth are situated.

·      Outward curving of the middle portion of upper lip.

·      The mouth is wide and the lower jaw and lip curves outwardly just over the lower canine teeth, producing the appearance observed in the mouth of lion, tiger or other carnivorous beast.

·      Chaotic, soft, flabby and repulsive looking cheeks, without any marked outline as if the mass of soft, doughy substance, which has fallen into chance or haphazard form and has not been acted upon by any normal law of sharpening.

·      Convex nose crook or curve upon the ridge of nose.


In great battle of Mahabharta, when Arjuna was bewildered by various illusions, Lord Krsna came to his rescue, enlightening him with absolute truth and knowledge.

Here I quote an extract of their conversation from the holy book Bhagavad Gita.

Arjuna uvaca
atha kena prayukto  `yam  papam carati purusah
anicchann api varsneyya  balad iva niyojitah

Meaning –
Arujana said: O descendent of Vrsni, by what is one impelled to sinful acts, even unwillingly, as if engaged by force?       {Shloka  3.36}

Sri bhagavana uvaca
kama esa krodha esa  rajo-guna-samudbhavah
mahasan0 maha-papma  viddhy enam iha vairinam

Meaning –
The supreme personality of godhead said: It is lust only, Arjuna, which is born of contact with material mode of passion and later transformed into wrath, and which is all devouring sinful enemy of this world. {Shloka  3.37}

dhumenavriyate  vahnir  yathadarso malena ca
yatholebenavrto garbhas  tatha tenedam avrtam

Meaning –
As fire is covered with smoke, as mirror is covered by dust, or as the embryo is covered by the womb, the living entity is similarly covered by different degrees of this lust.{Shloka  3.38}

avrtam jnanam etena  jnanino nitya-vairina
kama-rupena kaunteya  duspurenanalena ca

Meaning –
Thus the wise living entity’s pure consciousness becomes covered by his eternal enemy in the form of lust, which is never satisfied and which burns like fire. {Shloka  3.39}

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