Friday 2 November 2012

The big fat love story

             The big fat love story

“Love is blind”, they say and this notion is so magnanimously and magnificently seen in our own bollywood flicks. Well, I just came across the story that along with blindness love also suffer from weak arithmetic skills, bereft of any basic mathematical logic. What will you say when a one hundred fifty kg boy with height approximately 5’10” sweeps of the floor the fifty kg girl approximately 5’3” height. I swear to god neither I am exaggerating and neither mistaken with eliciting the numerical value of the body stats.


As the story goes, once upon a time there happen to be a girl, very beautiful and slim. When she was in her final year of the school her family decided to shift to another place and she was made to change her school. As it was predestined the slim girl ends up in the fat boy’s school and in his section.
When they saw each other at first time, the slim girl couldn’t believe her eyes that someone could be so giant and fat, her jaw dropped in shock. But when the fat boy saw the new girl, it was love at first sight and his jaw dropped in awe seeing the girl of his dream to stand in front of him. But none of them talked to each other at that time.
As few months passed away and still none made any efforts to talk to each other, but it was girl who always prayed that the fat boy should never be absent, not because she have fallen for him but it was because she have difficulties in Hindi language and she feared her teacher as she was very strict and would reprimand any student who made any slightest mistake in that subject.

But our fat boy had a good command over the subject and was in good books of the teacher. So in the Hindi periods he grabbed the whole and sole attention and would never shut up in the class and hence giving excuses to all those weak students especially the new slim girl. Whether he did it on purpose or was tuned to that mode, his acts sub consciously impressed the girl who he had fallen months back and couldn’t gear up enough power to impress or even talk to her.


 The boy’s best started to develop crush over the new girl and started drooling his feelings openly and started to stalk her. She ignored at first, but when it became intolerable she brought the matter to his family. Her father came to the school and met the principal. Lot of drama took place and for weeks it remained the hot topic for discussion in the prior dull school. The boy’s best friend was punished and was left with the warning, but this doesn’t stop the villain to chase the heroine, but this time it was undercover and he left no evidences.
He was getting on her nerves and she can’t always get his dad involve every time and this time she can prove nothing as his every move was all under cover. She was so sick of him that she decided to talk to villain best friend, the hero.


She approached him and poured her heart, that how annoyed and pissed off she is because of the action of his best friend and her now last hope is that he explains his friend that she was and will never be interested in him. Till this date she couldn’t find out that how she got that idea of approaching him and preying him to help her? But she did then and didn’t care who she approach to solve her problem.
The fat boy couldn’t believe at first and when the feeling finally sink in, he braved his emotion and hide his smile and put a serious face listening thoroughly to her tale of misery.
The girl continued that she never ever harbored any feeling against any boy in this class, in fact any boy till now and she sees them with sisterly eyes.
Boy was shocked and his smile fade away and he rechecked her by asking that whether she consider everyone as her brother, enunciating “everyone” twice. When the girl reckoned, he suffered the pain in heart but he again brave his emotion and put behind his pain and promised that he will solve her problem, but she won’t ever question how he did. Well at that time it didn’t matter how her problem was solve, all she want was to get rid of that road side Romeo.


When the recess was about to get over and all the students returned to their respective classes, the girl stood out and the fat boy went inside. He straight away went to the stage and addressed the whole class in his loud intonation.
Every one left their errands and settled on their respective seats.
He said, “listen to me and listen to me very carefully as I am not going to repeat myself again. The new girl happens to be my girlfriend and I don’t want anyone troubling her because now I will get involved and trust me my involvement won’t at all be good”. He saw his best friend and gave him his looks.
No one could dare to mess with the giant fat boy’s girl and since then, to the girl surprise no boy in the class leave aside talking won’t even see her eye to eye. She was relieved of her misery, at the same time she was curious to know how it happened but according to her deal with the fat boy she didn’t ask.


The girl came from a very dominating and conservative non-punjabi family. Throughout her life till then she never had a boy as a friend. But this time she actually enjoyed the fat boy’s company. He used to take care of her and treat her good and encourage her for different things which her father restricted her to do.
For first time in her life she fell so independent and happy. Though she used to ask the boy for approval before doing anything, and always found him standing in support of her.
It was the last year of the school and after the boards result would be out everyone will carry on their own career path and all old friendship will dissolve into casual meetings. Boy was losing sleep over of the thought of losing the love of his life.
Finally on first April, after the board exams he called the girl to meet outside and proposed her. At first the girl thought that since it was first April, the fool’s day, he is trying to make a fool of her, but when she noticed the honesty and sincerity in his eye she asked for some time to consider the proposal.
After exactly six days she said yes. All she consider was his heart of gold and nothing did matter after that.
Their courtship period was restricted to just few outdoor meeting and long chat on mobile at night. They didn’t hang out in much as the chairs of theater were not comfortable for the fat boy and hanging out in public places, because of enormous difference in their size, the attracted undue attention.


When they were through their graduation it was the time to move ahead. It was the time for the brave knight to meet the daddy to ask the hand of the girl for holy matrimony.
The boy who never cared about his one hundred and fifty kg size even after hearing tyrannies of the world, started to diet and spending time in gym to lose those extra kg. He worked very hard and in short period of time he was successful in losing about sixty kg, much better than his giant stature.
And finally the day came to meet the girl’s dad. The boy possessed good speaking skills and without much drama he was able to impress his future father-in-law. They boy and girl married the same year and subsequent year they were blessed with a baby boy. Moreover he became the beloved son-in-law of the family.


Bushy hairs – determination and ideas
Broad forehead – intelligence
Big eyes – eloquent
Good Muscle filling between both eyes – self will
Tip of the nose pointing downwards – thespian skills
Broad nostrils – constructive skills
Well formed and moistened upper lip – amative qualities with love and care for other
Well formed and moistened lower lip – foodie, benevolence
The corner of lips pointing upward – mirthful
Cheeks well formed and circular – good friendship and hospitality traits
Dewlap under the chin {double chin} – good economical traits
Chin broad – conscientiousness
Small round ears – love of music


It’s been three years they have been married and they were enjoying their happily ever after, but as it is called fate, they were destine to give one more test.
Last December, suddenly the boy got an attack of Bell’s palsy {in which the half side of the face got paralyzed}. It was severe enough to cause one sided hemiplagia {paralysis of one whole side including the arm and leg of that side}.
He went through vigorous medical treatment and was rendered to the bed. After little recovery he went through hours and hours of physiotherapy sessions before gaining much of the body movements.
And during this entire time girl stood strongly beside him being the pillar of his strength. They suffered but at the end emerged out victorious.
Finally they earned their happily ever after.

They say where there is a will, there is a way,
The fat boy got slim girl and lived happily every day.

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