Thursday 29 January 2015


               ROAD SIDE CON GAMES
Astute people with good brain material plan deeper games to have a prize catch but then there are armatures who settle for small fish in the pond. Mediocre people commonly come across these starters and become prey to their beginners luck. I have two to discuss today.

This particular woman is known to be very week hearted. You utter one harsh word and million tears starts to pour from her tanked eyes. She has a habit to dig deeper meanings to everything said to her and because of it she had got the reputation of ‘Drama Queen’. Though it was wired into her DNA, there was nothing she could do to nullify it.
Her anxiety was turning into anguish and hence she stopped going out alone, in this hostile world. She was dependent on her husband and kid for even pity daily outdoor routines. But as the fate had it at that point of time, she was forced to face the extra terrestrial environment outside the house all alone.
She urgently had to reach some relative because of some unavoidable circumstances. Her husband was at its workplace and kid at college. The unavailability of back up support system was the reason of initial stammering but she thought she will hire a direct auto rickshaw from her house to her destiny. It will not only cut short her contact with outer world but also, what could possibly go wrong while she travel without shunting many public transport facilities.
Her plan and her jaunt were almost successful till she reached the last red-light of her destined location.
It was still two minutes left for light to turn green that she was confronted by that red light bagger who by displaying the images of deities seeks for money.
The ragged man approached her and asked for money. She first refused but when he started prying her she succumbed. Actually he was asking her to shed dough so that charity would bring good luck to her family or else her refusal could make her pay bigger price later.
The sentimental queen went into emotional shock and in no time opened her purse and caught hold of a stray ten rupees note and handed over to him.
That was her first mistake that she broadly window displayed her vulnerability factor. The rusted man had just warmed up a little till then. He again tried to mud the water for a bigger catch. He told lady that she should take out the biggest currency note from her wallet and get is blessed by the deities he carries for good luck.
Her inner self was euphoric, she have just stumbled over a good luck formula. In her inner happiness and satisfaction taking it as a sign of providence, she took out a five hundred bill to get blessed. Well, that was the last time she saw that in her hand.
The next time all she was holding was the deities in her hand and her eyeballs were busy tracing the marathon run of that con man.

She was a rich man’s rich wife with the habit of flaunting her pleasantries. Another thing that hiked in her charts was to update her with the latest gossip going around the town.
So one day, like any other common winter day, she went out to enjoy the winter afternoon with her buddies. While they were through discussing the news updates and breaking news for two hours, it was a time to part away fully satisfied about the quote of the day, she started her journey towards home.
She was just a block away from the house that she was confronted by two men who blocked her way and started to scold her.
“Are you insane lady? Do you know there have been a theft and murder in the house at corner of the street and look at you; you are all dressed up with all these sparkles walking on the road so carelessly. Are you waiting for something to happen to you and create more mess for cops like us? Here take out your jewellery and let me hide it in this newspaper and give it back to you.”
The lady was taken a back a bit but the next second her petrifaction changed into curiosity to know about the murder and theft in the house at the corner. While the cop number two was filling the blank spaces for her, cop number one was busy handling her valuable carefully. He nicely rapped her two gold bangles and two rings and one locket in sheets and returned to her. Finally when they parted, the lady was beaming with firsthand knowledge of active crime scene and on other hand all praises for vigilant cops of her town who took good care of her.
Her happiness was short lived. When she noticed, her gold have turned into a blunt metal with gold paint. It was then she realized that she have part and parcel of first hand robbery.
Though the CCTV cameras captured the whole modes operandi and pictures of her assailant but the real police have yet to make any arrest.

Eyes of con artist
       Small, almond shaped
        Foxy eyes with outer commeasure of eyes are running upward.
Sometimes eyes are bigger one. These are people who could trap fishes by their sweet eloquent style.

Eyes of the prey
         Outer commeasure of eyes are dipping low. These are the eyes of easy believers.


Deep trenches dug deep are ambushed on the common path. Be careful while you walk that path.

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