Friday 2 January 2015


                                                (UNEXPECTED LIFE EXPECTANCY)
Even though we run as many as statistical numbers to calculate the expectancy of human life, we will end up with empirical answer for a population, which too with condition applied. But for an individual we are still clueless.
Library shelves are loaded with books, imparting the great wisdom to live and displaying with crystal clarity examples of history but still it doesn't hamper us to dig our own grave.

This man, in his early forties has been suffering from recurrent frequent apthous in his mouth and alimentary canal since couple of years. They fade away temporarily but reoccur with new found ferocity and velocity. All treatment available in healing books, fall flat on isometric line in his case. He can’t even eat bland food without screaming in pain and tears in his eyes.
Finally, one doctor suggested having a deeper check on his immunity and test results surprised everybody. The results showed him to be HIV reactive which caused non-healing ulcers in his mouth.

He was scoring good health points, once his treatment started but he was not ready to accept the most obvious cause to get mangled in spider web.
He never had any blood transfusion ever in his life and neither went outside his house seeking satiety on sexual sphere but then how in any reason of world he unlocked the doors of inferno. Even his wife shouldered his statement. His wife was also checked for the viral strain but she came out clean.
According to his wife, her husband is a spiritual devoted man who throughout life had very limited contact with her. Once their family was complete with one girl and a boy, he shut all doors of intimacy for her. Moreover he was not a great lover and always managed a below average performance with his wife. The question still lingers large, THEN HOW??

                                                     “THE TRUTH WE MORTALS NEED
                                                        TO BLESS AND MAKE US KEEP.
                                                     THE AL-WISE SLIGHTLY COVER YOUR
                                                             BUT DIDN'T BURY DEEP”
That means we need to dig more for answers. Though his treatment was working but to amusement of doctors, there were time his virus loads seemed roof high. Were they missing over something or they have stumble over a new found etiology for the viral loads. Some days seemed pretty normal like his other brethrens but others were like a flood in Nile as if he was drinking from the box of Pandora.

Answer this riddle first
“A man and his son had a road accident. The man died on the spot and he boy was rushed to the ER. The attending doctor as soon as looked at the boy, cried, “He is my son”
Explain the phenomenon?
I don’t have patience waiting for answers and therefore I’ll let the cat out of the bag, the man who died wasn’t fake he was his father and the attending doctor was his mother.
That’s common sense but rarely applied skipping the part where you would have come up with permutation and combination of wrong answers. The right answer once revealed seemed pretty simple and so was the case with HIV reactive patient. It took extra grey matter usage of one of the wise doctor to decode the anacoluthia.
Since the disease classify itself into the top most priority in STD’s and hence the answer must lie in the question itself. If it’s not the vanilla sex then it can be other way round or other side on!
Under the devotee thick skin, the man was all GAY inside and the reason he contracted this erroneous virus was his perverted ways of rectal sex or SODOMY. He has been in contact with male whores for years to find his gratification.
His secret was buried under shackles of paper work under doctor patient confidentiality act but at same time doctor confronted him to straighten his ways before it is too late. The consequences of his actions would sooner or later have full blossom canvas but as for now the medical mystery of his tapering life expectancy was solved with accurate proficiency.
Hence proving krsna’s theory, lust, anger and greed are three doors to hell.

Small almond shaped eyes.


Mankind is capable of digging their own grave with their own hands.  

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