Thursday 15 January 2015


You must be well aware about the story of the girl who got hurt sleeping over a pea though it was ten mattresses below her. This peculiar, hypersensitive behavior is called idiosyncrasy.

CCTV life...
She is a five year old girl. She looks normal, talks normal and walks normal nothing different from any other five year old. But only thing that make her odd one out is the constant twenty four hour surveillance on her.
She isn’t a daughter of some high profile entrepreneur or apple of eye of some bigwig. It’s because she is daddy’s little girl.

The mother of the child thinks that since there is increased in number of crime against children, hence the father is being little careful.
[There is a vast difference between being careful and being paranoid. The girl’s father is more or less imagining things. He leaves her girl to school, stands there till she enter the main gate and in the afternoon he is on the same spot way before the last bell rings. If he had his ways he would have been attending classes with her but it is against school policy, so he subdued.
He stays in for her post school hobby classes. And other thing to make sure that all the boys should maintain five arm distances from his baby girl irrespective of their age, creed or religion. Even no two year old male child is allowed near his prized possession.]
The hysteria was too much for me to take and hence one day out of severe curiosity I confronted him.
Now, here what the Daddy said...
[I tried my level beast to put in same words and meaning]
“I know you think, I am insane but I am not...the thing is doc, you have no idea what goes inside the boys brain. There are things that I can’t come open with you too.”
[It was nowhere near the answer I expected. I looked at him at point blank rage]

“Fine! Here is what you would prefer to hear. I. . . . (He took a very deep breath)... had twenty two girl friends each year. And my track record was that I never repeated any girl. Out of all the girls I dated, things went pretty long and serious with eleven ones. And out of that cricket team I zeroed it to top three contenders whom I would have seen as my life partner but I end up fighting with the father of girl number one; the father of girl number two didn't approve our relationship and the girl No. 3....”

[Let me guess, is your wife. The sparkle in my eyes made him read my thoughts. But I was so wrong.]

No, the girl number three is not my wife. She broke up with me when she came to know that I gave her the last proposal preference after being refused by number one and two respectively. And finally I got knotted in an arrange marriage.
You see, all boys are dogs. They would hyper salivate and waggle their tail as soon as they see a hot chick but when it comes to commitment it’s only the mamma’s brought girl they like and this goes out without expectation, leave the rare scenario.”

[My eyebrows narrowed]

“Don’t question my judgement, I know better... I started very young and fortunately or unfortunately I practically wrote the rules of the game. All I am doing is to protect my little girl from those love mongers scattered in sixes and seven all over the city, that’s set.
God serve us right, every playboy do have a daughter to teach them a lesson of life. I think my anxieties would really kill me one day, I can die of heart attack...”


Phrenology of caution
      Long and thin nose

Phrenology of playboys
       Small almond shape eyes
       The centre of upper lip is bigger, brighter and red.

(The moral of the story have been strongly suggested by my patient.)

In his words, “A dog dies a dog’s death.”

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