Sunday 28 September 2014

Malignancy Series-3

MALIGNANCY (series 3)
Today, I will discuss Hamer’s Theory. But before let me tell you a story of Dr.Ryke Geerd Hamer and how he stumbled over it.
Dr. Ryke Hamer was once upon a time an allopathic physician in Germany. His life was smooth and steady with a good practice and devoted wife and lovely kids.
But suddenly an incident happened that turned his whole life upside down. His eighteen year old son got hit by a bullet in a shooting accident and was fatally injured. For five months, struggling and fighting for his life on life support system, he finally succumbed to his injuries. It was a major shock for Dr. Hamer and his family. But there was another road block that waited at next turn. Before the wounds of recent death of his son gone into time initiated healing, Dr.Hamer, who was so far into finest health, was suddenly diagnosed with Testicular Cancer.
Well, instead of being morose and being frightened of impending death that swayed like a naked sword over his head, it made him think what actually went wrong that suddenly his body responded so malignantly.
And within nick of time, after thoroughly assessing fifteen thousand cancer cases, he stated the Iron Rule of Cancer that all boils down to psyche.
It’s the expression of our psyche, in response to an external harming factor. Once our thresh-hold to soak bad effect of that external morbid factor is trespassed, there are certain derangement that occur in certain part of our brain in the form of concentric circles and same concentric circles or ripples effect could be synchronously seen on the organ or tissue of the body controlled by that affected part of the brain, as a reaction to the morbid situation. These concentric circles are substantiated on the CT
This whole process is called Dirk Hamer Syndrome [Dirk Hamer was the late son of Dr. Ryke Hamer]. Folliculated with such evidence Dr. Ryke Hamer proposed whole new criteria and protocol to treat cancer under this new methodology which he coined as New German Medicine and is, since then has been successful in treating cancer cases without surgery, chemo or radiation on these principles.
With all those accolades listed beneath its name, the new hypothesis has its own share of trail of controversies.
But whatever the scenario is, I bring forward few of his logical deduction about the damage incited by morbid factor on the target organ.
Adrenal Cortex: going astray from the path
Urinary Bladder: Being involved in ugly conflict, dirty trick
Bone: Lack of self-worth, inferiority feeling.
Breast milk grand: Involving excessive care or disharmony
Breast milk duct:  separation conflict from the loved ones
Breast, left (right handed women) – conflict concerning child, home, mother
Breast, right (right handed women) – conflict with partner or lover
Bronchioles {branches of air pipe in lungs} – territorial conflict
Cervix/ mouth of uterus – severe frustration in life
Colon/ large intestine – ugly indigestible conflict
Esophagus/ food pipe – cannot have it or swallow it
Gall bladder – rivalry conflict
Heart – perpetual conflict
Intestines – indigestible chunk of anger/ suppressed anger
Kidneys – not wanting to live, being deprived of basic necessities like water or fluid
Larynx/voice box – conflict of fear and fright
Liver- fear of starvation
Lung- fear of dying or suffocation
Lymph glands – Loss of self-worth
Middle ear- not being able to get some vital information
Pancreas- anxiety, anger conflicts with family members, conflict about inheritance
Prostate- ugly conflict of sexual connections or connotation
Rectum- fear of being useless
Spleen- shock of being physically or emotionally wounded
Stomach- Indigestible anger, swallowed too much
Testes and ovaries- loss of something important or loss of loved person
Thyroid- Feeling powerless
Uterus- Sexual conflict
All the answers lie buried in your psyche,
Be Careful!
What you want to vent down the pipe.

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