Thursday 11 September 2014

Malignancy {Series 1}


In today’s time this word ‘Malignant’ is the most God Forbid word. The word that shouldn’t be spoken thought or came across in the street. As soon as it makes its presence shown in the medical records, it means the obvious, imminent coming soon death.
According to medicine, a malignant state is the one which is progressive and resistant to treatment and tending to cause death.
The non medical meaning to the word is a quality of being disposed to evil, intense ill will. The two meanings looks so distinctive but if you see it with super magnifying glass, there is a link well, and the most frequently asked question is why does cancer happen?
And the most absurd answer given is, unknown etiology or “n” numbers of reason which we hypothetical think can make difference into our system and screw with our god made perfect cells. May be we are not looking closer enough; the answer is in the question itself.

2.      ONE FATE

Introduction: right handed female, talented, beautiful and into a government job.
LIFE SPACE: the inception of the story dates back to the third grade at school. The boy she sat with since then and thereafter all the junior and high school, was one with whom she sat with at her sib both.
”Cute story of childhood love affair materializing to life time commitment”
But, sometimes the fairy tales are just not meant for everyone knocking its door and the happily ever after is just another illusion.
In no time the man who swear on the holy book “Gurugranth Sahib” and took her as his lawfully wedded wife, found another beauty queen knocking his door. The lust took over the innocent childhood love and just in two years time he tried to erase the prior history of his life to start the new chapter and new life with another wife. The most beautiful lady of the clan was left heartbroken with a divorce.
It’s been a decade and a half since that lightening fell on her dreamy life, but she couldn’t bring herself to trust another man and all she lives is a lovely life.

Ca Right breast (cancer for right breast)

(She is on for right side mastectomy, followed by garrulous chemo therapies.)

INTRODUCTION: right handed female, teacher at the school.
LIFE SPACE: twenty five years back she was the most eligible damsel to nail but today her withered body shunts from hospitals to hospitals. She was married to a man who was a groom catch from her parents. Her dreams were limited. All she wanted from a life was a job, a house, a husband and one or two kids. Everything monotonously mandatory! Nothing else! But it didn’t take long for her normal dreams to turn into nightmares.
Eight months after the marriage when she was six months pregnant, her husband realized how much he missed her last girlfriend and this new girl was no match to his standards and needs.
Leaving his pregnant wife sleeping, one night, taking the shelter of darkness he disappeared in abyss just leaving a letter, not of an apology but bitterness and hatred.
The next thing in her life was struggle, a struggle to single handedly bring her baby boy up and to shape his future.
She did what needed to be done and epitomized a sacrificing mother. In all this haste, all she remembers was the part of being mommy, completely erasing all the wifely desire, needs and happiness. Whatever, the days in the calendars changed, so did the months and also the years and finally all her austerities beard fruit as his son turned out to be handsome, successful and gentlemen.
She wasted no time and found him the bride. The son and his wife were very devoted to the lady.
As for now she had no distress what so ever but a chapter buried deep in the hatchet suddenly begin to surface. Looking at her son’s happy married life, she begins to feel the void created and realized what part she missed in her struggle. She started to lose weight and started to become sick.

Past history of pulmonary tuberculosis (TB for lungs)
Treated with ATT for 9 months
Recently diagnosed with ca right breast

*Still under shock and in plea to chalk out the treatment.

Check out NEXT WEEK the rest of the series of MALIGNANCY

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