Monday 8 September 2014


Future is occulted in the time to come, absolutely bereft of our any vivid thinking process.  But what happen when our imagination dive in realms unknown and try to answer the unsolved queries?
Answer is ANXIETY.

This girl in her early twenties presented with worst case of drenching sweat that I have ever seen. You can’t shake hands with her without getting the droplets all over the palmer surface.
It started two years back all of a sudden. Should I believe it?
My science doesn’t allow me to swallow facts as served on the platter. There is always a story behind it and with pupils’ dilation and sympathetic warm smile you can dig it out from any grave.
So here is why, she is all sweaty and wetty that she can’t even grip the pen, before dapping clean her hands every second.
She belongs to an orthodox family of ‘JATS’. Being the youngest of all seven siblings she was running hot in the matrimonial market with just one more brother ahead of her, yet to get hitched.
Due to some screwed up stars in his horoscope his marriage is getting delayed and by default she follows the league.
Since 2 years there have been plenty choices for her. But she is still on hold. And since two years since she registered in for the pious act, she suffers from her problem.
It’s just a co-incidence or she’s having wet hand and feet just because it has ticked her nerve?
Nothing in the body happens  by default; there is always a fixed logic and a sequence that had to be deciphered.
It’s not that our protagonist doesn’t want to get married neither she have a love of her life demanding time to settle before he could go and ask for her hand. The whole thing boils down to that she doesn’t have a choice or doesn’t have a say in the most important decision of her life. Her parents are looking from a groom for her in their caste and that set. Nothing else they want to see apart from shiny cast. Nothing at all! No credentials like studies, ambition, open mind-ness, life style, nothing at all.
And since the boys of their type are very rare breed in the city, they are opinated to marry their girl in the village after giving her a city’s bringing and public school education.
They definitely don’t care as it’s all about the agricultural land in acres and the congenial surname, that over weighs everything in the balance. Her two older sisters have gone through same fate. The one with the strong stars stayed afloat as her husband turned out to be a gem and established himself in town abandoning the rural stretch, the other one is still dragging heels on the ratchet roads and dealing with day to day difficulties. She still has to find her exit gate which doesn’t seem as a possibility in near future.
The sweaty girl destiny osculates between her sister’s fates and worriedly thinking of it has done her nothing except to give her goose bumps. She vented her mind to her mother but words feel on deaf ears.
She can’t even go out and find her a boyfriend because the stigma of honor killing shadows her and could wet any eligible boyfriend pants. After all it’s not a joked to have four elder brothers and strict daddy and non co-operative mamma and two meek sisters, with no back up and exit, she is forced to live and re-live her situation again and again. And it has not only affected her physically but has created a mental block which showed in her report cards. Twice she flunked her graduation exams. It’s the last try with her back up studies or else this perk would also be ripped away from her.
But even with the whole story the destiny would have ways to happen irrespective of what so ever, her fates dwindle on principle of uncertainty and no one, not even she knows, what is going to happen NEXT.

Small and lean nose with small nostrils, not providing enough oxygen to lungs to help find a way out

“Even as the unborn baby in the womb of her mother, these five are fixed as her life destiny, his life span, his activities, and his acquisition of wealth and knowledge and his time of death.” CHANAKYA NEETI.

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