Thursday 2 October 2014

The ticking time bomb {part 1}

                   TICKING TIME BOMB
A scene before an ambushed bomb goes off is pretty much normal. People walk carefully to here and there, carrying out their errands, their brain loaded with their personal worries completely unaware of even the whence of impeding shadow of death. And then in that entire normalcy, there is a sudden blast, and then thereafter left is blood and mangled bodies all over. And nothing seemed normal.
Similarly there are many ticking bombs waiting to explode inside our bodies leading to massive destruction. Only difference being, they are triggered by our own rogue self, contrary to the terrorist motive.

She was the most beautiful girl of the locality. Once the eyes crosses her face, they were definitely bond to bounce back again on her god’s personally crafted phizog.
Though at a very tender age, she was exposed to custom made perils, the very first being, when her father deserted them and ran away to another town for a better life and for a new wife. It was her mother whose bold personality brought whole scenario under control and stood like a shield for her family. Though she provided them their basic needs but a missing father figure was constant thought that linger in her heart. This didn’t make her sad but only angry. Paradoxically there was no one to vent it out over. Hence she stiffed.
Years later she was moulded into a very pleasant damsel, studied hard and just after graduation landed into a job of receptionist at some random hospital.
Things were going pretty smooth, till one day she announced in her house that some new doctor has proposed to her. Her mother was ascetic, as she could sense a better life for her now.
She started dating that doctor, only to know after few months that he was married. She was heartbroken and more than sad, she was angry of being cheated again, first her father and now her lover. Again her introvert demure prevented her to vent out anger. SHE STIFLED.
Couple months of severance made the love smitten doctor realized that he couldn’t live without her and he traced back his steps towards her, after having a divorce and settled law suit.
She wasn’t ready to go back but her mother’s frequent regular persistence, she finally gave up to the building pressure, ended up marrying the doctor. She was, the lady luck in doctor’s life, in no time doctor had money raining from all side, that he brought a big house, own car and job at a very reputed hospital as a HOD to the department. But the only drawback was, he got busy and couldn’t give much deserved time to her new and beautiful wife. It won’t have mattered to the girl, if her in-laws won’t have went on her about the second wife tyrannies. She couldn’t revert; after all it was her choice to pick that kind of life. She stiffed another episode of suppressed anger.
A year later she was blessed with a baby girl. Finally there was something to smile about, something to feel worthy of being living. For a time being she locked that suppressed anger in a closet and savoured  the blessings showered over her, till one day, couple years later, it relapsed with much mutiny.

CHECK OUT NEXT WEEK, the rest of the story of her stiff stride and finally the great explosion.

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