Wednesday 25 June 2014


                                              (The ‘weak will’ series)

A century before noted story teller Charles dickens wrote a book “the great expectation” revolving around one’s desire and expectation in life. As the time passed and the pages started to turn yellow and giving the nostalgic winches, the words started to jumble their meaning and emerged in the novel avatar of desperation. Today’s century echo the sounds of the great desperation whether it is desperation for professional degree or job or marriage or panacea, everyone is desperate. But there are different ways, people of different strands of life deal with their despair. This great desperation series would reveal their despair for recovery from their ailment.
First in them I’ll pick weak will category.

He is 35 year old man whose wife is heavily pregnant, that too with a tag of post thirty high risked pregnancy. A year back due to his multinational professionalism of night shift, he had gastric problems which was categorize under GERD(gastro esophageal reflux disease) which means the stomach acid reverting back towards the mouth and while doing so, eroding the food pipe. Well, at that time it could have been cured by the help of correcting the blunders in his diet, life style and indisposition. But contrary to it, he preferred popping pills to comfort himself.
Forwarding the time zone three months later to his first diagnosis of GERD, there found a new link in his medical files as bloody hemorrhoids (bleeding piles). They scrapped the mucosa of his rectum and bothered him like hell during his act of defecation. He went on another regime of popping another set of multi color pills but it gave him only minor comfort for a while and later blossomed with new vigor. But still to check on the indisposition didn’t click his mind.
Again few months passed but instead of things getting settled it become worse. And this was the time the great desperation swept inside him. Anything and everything, anybody or everybody told him for the treatment, he did but with no relief on contrary, one encounter with one such random Bengali doctor, who endorsed his credits with expertise in rectal complaints, maltreated him and his condition shifted from worse case to worst case scenario. His whole excretory passage bloomed with nefarious scarlet ulcers throwing him to the pains of third degree.
The weak heart, gluttony trait man cried whole night and with the break of dawn and first sunshine swallowed the whole battle of phenyl in despair to end his miserable life.
God be thanked tones, as the phenyl these days is adulterated and with lame power to kill whatever they intend too. The man was saved. Presently he is psyche ward under the treatment of psychiatrist along with surgeon to treat his suicidal instincts and scarlet wounds embodying his ass respectively.

The word “hysteria” has been derived from the word hysteron, which means womb or uterus. Hence hysteria has been linked with women since the origin of this vocabulary.
A 55years old woman who was excessively or pathologically conscientious about her looks and appearance that she went into a heartfelt shock when after the attack of viral infection in her eyes suddenly had Bell’s palsy (The kind of paralysis that leads to dropping and shifting the muscles of the face to other side)
That day all the tectonic plates’ beneath her feet skipped and followed by her desperation of fast recovery which continued for months. Allopathic, homeopathy and Ayurveda she knocked the doors of every system of medicine available to mankind.
She was improving at her pace but the mirrors were cruel to her, constantly reminding her of her misery.
Though after two month of treatment she has regained her facial anatomy but constant drilling over one brooding thoughts had reconstructed her prudence and weakened her nerves to an extent that they have benumbed.
She has gone into fits of hysteria with migratory headaches. Once a public personality, she has locked herself in darkness of solitude.
She sleeps, weeps and eats, abandoning her household duties and relationship. She has become third grade hypo chondric making the life of people near her a live hell.
Presently she is under my treatment and recovering but even though after months of treatment she gets cured but the moot point is her low thresh hold self and the great desperation lead her to the most treacherous path of melancholy and self-loathing.

Pinched nose at the tip
Dropping outer commeasure eyes below the imaginary isometric (straight) line drawn between both eyes

It’s all in the power of mind, it’s on you whether to believe it or not.


Wednesday 18 June 2014


Anger is the fire that burn off everything that comes its ways. Even the religious scriptures repeatedly speak about it over and over again. But today’s fast forwarding life at ten ‘X’ speed, people have zero tolerance and patience and have mutated in fire breathing dragons and of unknown reason of logic, it gives them quiet satiety too, irrespective of the fact what price they have to pay.

He has always been angry, always and always as his parents recall or his friends, his ex-girlfriends, his wife, his daughter and his boss. Everyone has suffered from his wrath and everyone have their sorry tale to tell.
As a kid, his parents had the frequent rendezvous with his teachers and principal as getting into brawl for him was like brushing teeth every day. As he grew up, superficial wounds and cuts became old fashioned, breaking bones and landing opponent straight into Intensive Care was pretty hot stuff for him. He had ten healed fractures in his name and two time juvenile bars were black feather to his dark crown.
Since he was an ‘A+’ student with a brilliant brain he always got through the middle lane.
He grew up as an angry young man and was designated with the title of ‘DON’ for his delinquencies in his graduation years.
It was his luck that outshined his fury that he stuck a gold mine job for himself followed by the most beautiful maiden of the country as his wife. But some people do not appreciate good things; even though they are staring at their face and our protagonist belong to this clan.
Marital discord and domestic violence was new added flavor of the season of his life. The years started passing and in that moving time god gifted him a sweet daughter. But as the dog’s tail can never be straightened, so does this man’s nature can’t be changed.
As his martial life was at rock bottom so far his professionalism was swaying in uncertainty. But again his brilliant grey matter, squeezing out profits for his firm made him save his ass from being kicking out.
But his luck suddenly took a U-turn as he entered his forties. His wife started talking about divorcing him and his daughter had restricting orders against him. Even though he screamed his lungs off to be changed man. Seriously he was trying hard to change now. He joined the Buddhism chanting circle and as from his new found knowledge, the broken marriage is a sin in front of god and therefore he was trying to save his.
But now it was too late. He had imprinted in everybody’s heart a Hitler and no honey trapping from his side could mutate his personality.
He was trying hard to talk her wife out her decision but it turned out to be her daughter fertilized weed. When he went to have vocabulary with his daughter she ran up to the roof and blackmailed him if he didn’t comply for a divorce she is going to jump to her death. First time in his life, he felt what he has lost everything. But it was too late now.
The things in his life are still looming in abyss and nothing has reached the shore.

In these forty two years of existence he has not only lost socially but also medically.
His health started to compromise from a small acute ailment of gastro-entrities which in due course of time shifted to GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disorder) to chronic gastritis with hernia and to hemorrhoids and fissure. And latest addition to his pathology list is ulcerative colitis.
His gastro intestinal tract is rotting inside him.

Anger can accompanied with traits
High self esteem (horizontal length of upper lip)
Brag gist (pouting of space between nose and lips)
Low morals (compromised perpendicular parallel lines running from the base of nose to center of upper lip)
Greed (rabbit like teeth)
Licentious (small eyes)


Sometimes people don’t get another chance for damage control.

Friday 13 June 2014

Break bone strategy series -3

There are plenty cases to elicit the fact that I have pointed in last two blogs. The triggering cause can be very small that be missed in word jumble or it could be so heart wrenching that could change the course of destiny.
Cutting short refined details let me exemplify in next few examples. Just see for yourself the movement of needle on the radar.

A 38years old house wife was diagnosed with SLE (Systematic Lupus Erythromatous) whose presenting complaint involved polyarthralgia (pain in many joints). SLE is the auto immune disorder, mainly seen in women. It is genetic mutation disorder mainly present at middle age also marked with the presence of pigmentation (typical butterfly wings type pigmentation) along with involvement of multiple organs like liver, kidney and heart.
Triggered factor- Dominating and angry husband with very minute tolerance level.

A 43 years old house wife presented with Rheumatoid Arthritis with the affection involving her heart valve (mitral valve) also called Rheumatic heart diseases.
Triggered factor- Fifteen years back her daughter got burned and had stricture on hand and since then, even though after having accolade accomplishment under her name, she still broods over those scars and held her mother responsible for it. The meteoritic gap between them widen, so did the degeneration of her joints.

A 42years old NRI, married woman, running her business in New Zealand presented with polyarthralgia due to Sjorgen syndrome.
Again, it is a genetic disorder which is common in women. It have traits of symptoms that 8 the trademark of disease uveitis. (Inflammation of eyes).
Urethritis (inflammation of urethra).
Arthritis (joints involvement).

A 65 years old male presented with cervical spondylosies, severe pain in the neck, radiating to the head.
Triggered factor- after his son relocated to foreign country because of his work.

A 50 years old housewife presented with severe case of OA knees (Osteo Arthitic knee joints, in layman’s language it is also called reduced gap between the knee). She is a very conscientious and diligent lady, even though her knees pain like hell, still she does all household work.
Triggered factor- After her son turned maniac, and adult rouse.

A 4 year old boy complained of pain in knees. On examination it was revealed that he was suffering from ‘Knock Knee’ disorder where there is the disturbance in alignment of the knee joint.
Triggered factor- since there can’t be any viable cause of presentation revealed in the kid, mother and parental history was taken in the thoroughness which revealed that during whole time of pregnancy she lived in the mother’s house because of the discord with her in-laws. Lack of support feeling of her was transferred to her unborn kid and years later he presented with joint complaints.

A 60 year old woman presented with Osteo Arthritis.
Triggered factor- complaint dates back after her husband died of heart attack.

A 55 year old woman presented with OA knees.
Triggered factor- after her son got divorced.

A 22 year old woman presented with frequent pain in bilateral (both) ankle joint as unknowingly everyday she mis-stepped leading to the turning of foot at ankle joint. And one such misstep also had lead to the hairline fracture at right meta -carpel region (one of the foot bone).
Triggered factor- frequent break-up with her school time boy-friend.

A 39 year old man presented with the pain in right wrist joint along with the bony enlargement at the ulna bone. On colored digital x-ray revealed a giant cell tumor which had chances to be malignant (cancerous). The pain was so severe and so revelation in scanning caused such a hue and cry that he got it operated.
A piece of the bone was cut and on biopsy it was revealed that it was a space occupying benign growth (non-cancerous). Now his hanging bone is being the matter of concern.
Triggered factor- he was the owner of the furniture factory but suddenly all his employees left him and shunted to the other profession. His business went into shackles and this triggered the growth of ulnar bone.

CASE- 11
A 36 year old lady presented with the frequent fracture in ribs. Every month she had one or other rib breaking.
Rib fracture is difficult case to be treated, as the bone can’t be put in the cast for immobility and frequent use of respiratory muscle also delays the healing.

Triggered factor- she is the wife of eminent doctor of a very reputed hospital and the main problem with the women of the professional is that they lack of time from their husband. Their husbands are just earning machines with lack of emotional support and hence the whole responsibility of household and kids fell on her shoulder. And hence the feeling of lack of support arrived. 

Thursday 5 June 2014

Break bone strategy series 2

    BREAK BONE STRATEGY (SERIES-2)              

In phrenology, the science of studying phizog is grossly divided into in 5 systems and based on them it is sieved into refined details. The following is the break up.
1.     The vegetative system- pertaining to fat people.
2.     The pneumatic system- pertaining to warrior type.
3.     The muscular system- pertaining to flexible type both mentally and physically.
4.     The bones and joint system- pertaining to orthodox people.
5.     The brain and nerve system- pertaining to intelligent and brainy people.

Any defect in these systems, affect the psyche of the person. It is totally based on Newton’s third law of action and reaction.

He was the youngest in the family after two sisters. Wondering in the streets and carrying out pranks was his daily business. One day his father died in the road accident. That day, at prime of his boyhood he suddenly converted into adult with tones of responsibility on his tender shoulder.
With studies he took care of his father’s shop at the corner of the street. As the year passed he not only converted the shop into big enterprises but also purchased a big house for his family.
He was 15, adorning the fatherly cloak he married away his eldest sister and when he was twenty, he fixed the marriage of the second one. All his life he has done to take responsibility and fulfill them. Though it have been fulfilling endeavor and gave him pride and peace at same time.
But like the seasons change, life also shunts to different colors. All the problems in his life were impregnated to next level as soon as he found the girl for himself and got married to her.

After his marriage, suddenly her mother felt lost hold over the household. Her insecurities along with the one seeded by his married sisters start to grow till one day it look an ugly face. Relationship between his mother and wife started to strain. First it was little wordy fight of each house between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. But later on it took a volcanic dimension where the both ladies became fire breathing dragons and it was man in the house, who faced the hell’s furry. These constant cat fights and these every day brawls made him so sick that he decided to separate the ladies.
But since he had the whole sole responsibility of his mother, he couldn’t depart her in old age and shift out of house but now on other side of the shore he could see his wife and innocent face of his daughter. But rather then things getting sorted out, the situation became a matrix of hues and cries. Finally his wife moved out of the house and for one whole year lived in her mother’s house with her kid in Mumbai. The man shunted between the two cities on festive season to be with his wife and kid. According to his acquaintances frequent travelling issues triggered the pain and complaint but in reality every tissue in the body went into degenerating mode because of the feeling of deserted in middle of nowhere.

It is genetic mutation, HLA B27 positive disorder which usually effect the lower back leading to it’s stiffness. In lay man language it leads to stiffness of the whole spinal column.  All the vertebra column (spine bones) join with each other, making it straight like a tree trunk and hence the person looses it’s flexibility as well as his mobility in bending, moving sideways. Therefore it’s Red flag arthritis. Once this process trigger it becomes medically impossible to treat it. Through medication can only help in pain suppressant and to decrease the pace of disease.
The bamboo spine disease was finally making inroads to his system.

Betrayal is sharper than sword and its wounds never heal.

Check out next week, many more examples in the series-3 of Break Bone